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Guys, I love this man! Damn. ^

Layla visited Helen at the packhouse. Those two were connected by the resentment towards Darius's mate and that was Ivory. They didn't like how Darius acted so good to her and treated her well.

Helen wanted Layla to take Ivory's place. But they needed to make them get in a fight so they reject each other. Little did they know, the couple had trust built between them and nothing could separate them. The communication improved between Darius and Ivory and now, they couldn't make decisions without each other.

Layla wanted to try to separate them but it would come in hard. Layla was once a lovely child but since Helen took a liking to her, she convinced her that Darius will be hers. And that was what she always wanted.

"I hate how she acts all innocent when she just wants to be Luna. She wrapped him around her finger. She is not a wolf but a snake." Helen said with bitterness.

"I hate her. She wants to play with my Darius but I won't let her." Layla sneered. Helen had a proud smile at her words.

In the meanwhile, Ivory was getting ready to visit Darius. He was at the pack's training and Ivory already missed him. He left an hour or so ago.

She prepared sandwiches for every pack member and packed muffins for a treat. Jasper told her there were around 30 newbies that Alpha would train them. She felt proud of herself for making such an effort.

She strolled down the stairs when she noticed both women in the living room. She didn't want to be rude so she smiled and waved them.

"I'm going to visit Darius on his training. Have a nice day."

Helen just scoffed and turned around, but Layla remembered her plan and smiled back at Ivory.

"See you later, girl."

Ivory took two reusable bags that she previously filled with the food and headed to the place where training usually took a place. She didn't know where the place was at first but Jasper sent her the location.

She was excited about meeting some pack members but also nervous about Darius's reaction. What if he gets mad at her for appearing there? She hoped he would be glad.

She arrived at the place and walked inside. She had to pass past the cabin where young werewolves changed themselves. She blushed once she realized and thought about passing quickly so no one will notice, but the luck wasn't on her side.

She bumped into the young and shirtless man who seemed to be followed by other pack wolves. She gulped feeling uneasy when she saw that they were checking her out.

"What is the pretty little thing like you doing here?" The green-eyed man smirked at her while backing her up in the wall.

"I came to vis-" She was cut off when another boy yelled over.

"Alpha is calling us." The green-eyed guy backed away from her and his minions left followed behind him but not before he sent her a wink.

She shuddered against the wall and composed herself. That man seemed disgusting to her but she didn't want to bother telling Darius or he would tear him from limb to limb. She didn't want to make any trouble.

She followed the path where other wolves got out and she saw a back door leading to the large training field. She saw all the boys standing in the military order. And then there was her mate.

He was shirtless and just in shorts displaying all of his muscles perfectly. Ivory almost felt too shy to look at him. She heard him talking to them but before she went to him, she left the bags at the door.

Darius scented her and turned swiftly to look at her. She blushed, realizing all eyes were on her. Darius smiled and wrapped her arm around his waist once she was in his reach.

He leaned down to place a lingering kiss on her cheek then kissed her jawline. Her face heated as she gave him a shy smile.

"What brings you here?" He asked her and brushed her hair back. People watched them curiously but some of them paled.

"Just came to visit you. Do I bother you?" She asked softly.

"Of course not. I'll be happy if you stay here." He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Still holding her close, Darius focused back on the men in front of him.

"This is Ivory. Your Luna." Darius said, making her flush. She waved to the men in front of her as they watched her with fascination.

"Warm up now." He dismissed them as the guys started doing their usual routine.

"I brought the food if they would like to eat." Ivory said.

"You didn't have to. But I'm sure they will like it. Thank you." Darius said appreciatively. She felt joyous when he praised her.

Ivory felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out to see Abby's ID. She excused herself with the kiss on his cheek and picked the call up.

"Hey." Ivory greeted her. She didn't know why was Abby calling her but she wanted to listen.

"Hey, Ivory. I wanted to apologize. I know I overreacted but I felt disappointed to know that you hid that fact from me, your best friend. I'm sorry." Abby explained. Ivory felt better hearing her apology. And she believed that it was partly because of her.

"It's okay. I knew how you felt and I understand it." Ivory smiled to herself.

"Friends again?" Abby asked hopefully.

"Friends again." Ivory exhaled smiled.

"I'm busy with my work now, but we should go to the mall to hang out. I missed you." Abby said, sounding very empathetically.

"Yes, sure. I missed you too."

"I have customers. See you later." Abby said and hung up before Ivory could say something. Regardless, she was very happy to finally come to good terms with Abby. She was unhappy not being able to talk to her when she knew Abby was always with her.

Putting her phone back in the purse, she returned to Darius. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his chest.

"Why are you all smiley?" Darius teased her.

"I reconciled with my best friend." She wrapped her arms around his strong torso and smiled up at him.

"Then it's a good thing to be happy about. I wouldn't like to see you sad." He kissed her forehead. Her heart fluttered and she leaned on his chest.

"Did you change your body wash? It isn't strawberries anymore." He asked.

"I used it all up so I bought a fruity one. Why? You don't like it?" She asked.

"I didn't say that. I just noticed a different scent." He reasoned.

"No, you don't like it because you wouldn't ask me if I changed it or not." She raised her eyebrow accusingly.

"You know that I didn't mean it that way." His voice turned pleadingly. He was afraid that he had hurt her feelings and he didn't want that.

Ivory burst out laughing at his frightened face. She only intended to tease him a little.

"I was just joking, Darius. Calm down." He sighed and flicked her forehead.

"You scared me."


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Song: ed sheeran - thinking out loud

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