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9:32 am


You okay?

My Tae💜:

Yeah. Why?


You look so bothered earlier.

My Tae 💜:

Hmm maybe I'm just tired


Oh... Sorry! I shouldn't ask you last night.

My Tae 💜:

No. Not because of that.

I mean to work.


Do you want me to talk to Yoongi hyung about your sched?

My Tae 💜:


I know you admire Yoongi but he's really different now.

And talking to him right now is not a good idea.


I heard what happened to him and Jimin.

My Tae 💜:

Yea... well I can't blame Yoongi for being like that.

Jimin is a walking heartbreak.

Gosh... Jimin's effect is really something else! I'm so proud of him.


You are proud of your best friend because he broke Yoongi hyung's heart?

My Tae 💜:

Hey! I didn't say that Jimin broke Yoongi's heart!


Then why are you proud of him

My Tae 💜:

Because I didn't know that Jimin could affect my boss like that.

I know you love Yoongi but he's done wrong to my bestfriend! He just left Jimin without explaining why!

He left my bestfriend wondering what he did wrong for him to leave!

When Jimin all did is to love him!


Did you know Yoongi hyung's side?

My Tae 💜:

Not really but Jimin found out already why he left!


You only know Jimin's side.

My Tae 💜:

You really don't see what your idol did wrong?

Why so bias?


You're the one bias here. You already pick your bestfriend side without knowing Yoongi hyung's side.

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