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I  couldn't figure it out, who I was meant to be..what I was supposed to do with my life..who I was in this world...why I was here..All I knew is that, I felt most myself with him, I felt like I had a purpose when I made him smile, when we laid together and talked about our future, it's like I finally knew who I was supposed to become, who I was meant to be..he made me complete in a way I never thought I could feel, and as long as I had him..I knew that i would be happy..
I turned my gaze to Karl as we watched death note for the millionth time, thinking about him, what he made me feel..Karl turned to me, a small smile appeared on his face and I flashed one back, leaning my head on his chest this time.


Riley's pov

A loud slamming door, awoke me, I glanced at Jimmy beside me, he was slowly opening his eyes, "It's okay, just Mia and Chandler messing around, go back to sleep.." I smiled down at him, but on the inside I was panicking, having a feeling I knew who that was. I glanced at Jimmy who was back asleep, I slowly pulled his arm off of me, he groaned and rolled the opposite way now, I hurried to pick up my phone and call Karl, wanting to make sure that it was him. I peeked out of my bedroom window and watched him pull out of the drive way, I rushed to my closet, searching for something to wear. I picked up a pair of sweat pants and a black t shirt, hurrying myself to the bathroom, I changed, and took a fast shower, wanting Karl to see me at least half decent.
I then hurried downstairs to the front door, unlacing my shoes.

"Riley..what're you doing..?" Mia startled me as I got up, she wiped her eyes from tiredness and then yawned, "I'm going to the hospital, Karl came home..I don't think he liked what he walked into. I need to talk to him.." I told her as I grabbed my purse and keys, ready to walk out the door,
"Okay, call me later..I'll make sure we're out of here for when you two get back, and I'll figure something out to tell Jimmy, just go.." Mia pushed me out the door and I hurried to my car, calling my mom as I pulled out of the drive way.
"Hey Mom, is Karl with you..?" I asked as she picked up the phone, she had let it ring for longer than normal, I assumed they were talking.
"Hey Ri, Yes he's here." She responded to me and I bit my lip, "Oh okay, good..I'm on my way.." I told her as I turned off Karl and I's street.
"I think you should come alone.." She told me and I nodded as if she were in the car with me,
"I am, i'll be there in five minutes tops."
"Okay, see you soon.." She hung up and I felt my nerves rise as I got closer to the hospital.

I clicked on my mom's hospital floor, my palms sweating from my anxiety, how mad was he is? Did he think I lied to him...I had so many questions, and I just wanted to hug him, after all of this, my mom, I wish I had just let him take a plane home with me.
The elevator rang and I took a deep breathe as I walked into the hallway, Karl was standing outside her door and he gave me a soft smile, I walked quickly and ran into his arms, Karl hugged me tightly and I felt at home now. Karl pulled away and pushed my hair behind my ear gracefully,
"Karl, i'm going to cut Jimmy off I promise. Please don't hate me, I just don't wanna hurt him, but obviously I have to.." I rambled and Karl stared at me, "I just want you Karl.." I told him, he nodded,
"I feel the same way..but are you sure about this? I don't want you resenting me for ruining what you have with Jimmy, if he's truly what you want, I'd rather you be happy..Don't be with me because you think it's the right thing to do, Riley, we can manage our friendship with Jimmy, you're just going to have to tell him you need me." Karl gave me a sad look and I shook my head, "I don't want to do that. I'm in love with you Karl, I promise I am. I don't want to manage our friendship, I don't wanna fall asleep with Jimmy every night, I don't want to live with him, I don't want to kiss him, I don't want to order pizza with him, watch anime with him, cartoon network, You're the only person I want to do that with and I'm sorry it took me a while to realize it, I would never ever replace you. You're right, we will grow old together, we're soulmates.." I took a deep breath as I explained to Karl the way I felt and he simply stared at me, I gazed back and Karl placed his hand on my cheek, leaning in, kissing me softly, I kissed his back, wrapping my arms around his neck, his other hand made its way onto my waist.

tongue tied (Karl x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon