twenty six

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"I really wish you would just tell me if you have crush on her.." Riley sat in my bedroom and I rolled my eyes at her, I had been streaming with a girl named Veronica a few times now and I guess Riley was feeling left out..
"We just stream together some times for fun.."
"Yeah but like..if you like her, I'd like to know.."
"Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the brunette who shrugged, "I dunno..she's very pretty..funny.."
"Are you jealous i'm streaming with another girl? You know you're my main girl right? She's not even that pretty Riley. You're prettier, okay? I promise. The prettiest girl in the world, like i've always told you. And she can't make me laugh as much as you can, it's just not the same.." I stared into Riley's brown eyes and she shrugged, biting her bottom lip nervously,
"You haven't even seen all the girls in the world so you can't say that. And I know Karl, I just feel like im getting my spot stolen."
"I don't need to see all of them, I just know you are, and your spot is never getting stolen okay? You're my partner for everything. Ill stop streaming with her, I don't want you to feel this way..ever..I love you.." I pulled her into me, my arms wrapping around her, hoping she would feel better now, I just wanted her to be happy, it was all that ever mattered to me.


I looked at Riley as we sat in her room. Just a week ago we were having fun, sipping monster slurpees and listening to music, kissing, just the thought of it made me blush, but now we were figuring out our road trip, all we had figured out was that we were leaving next Monday. And no, we hadn't kissed again..I really didn't want to confuse her anymore than she already was..she was obviously very in like with Jimmy and who was I to mess that up?
" obviously you want to go to New york.." Riley said as she glanced up at me, she then looked back down at her notebook, "But I wanna go to L.A."
"Okay rock paper scissors. Its the only way we'll figure this out.." I placed my fist in front of her and she chuckled at me, "Okay.."
"Rock, paper, scissors" Riley began and I balled my fist up, rock. Riley held up paper and she grinned at me, "Wooo! L.A! Here we come! Bikinis! Palm trees. Paradise!" She practically sang, she gave me a sympathetic look, "Awn now I feel bad.."
I shrugged, "I don't care, as long as we're going somewhere. And I guess I could use a tan.." I looked down at my skin and Riley nodded in agreement,
"The both of us could..I think we hide out in our rooms too much.." We both looked at each other and laughed.

Riley and I had finally planned everything for the trip, it really was going to be one heck of an experience.
"Okay, you gotta get out of here, Jimmy's coming over.." Riley told me as we shut our notebook. I raised my glance to her, "Coming over..?"
"Yeah, I have avoided him all week..I took in your feelings..I put all of my energy into you, now I have to spare some for him okay..?" She gave me a sympathetic glance and I stood up,
"Sure thing.." I walked out of her room, I guess she still believed I didn't really like her..that I just felt shutout.. I turned to her as she followed me out,
"Can I have a hug..?" I stared at her and she smiled pulling me into her arms, I hugged her gracefully, taking a deep breathe as we stood there, really wanting to kiss her again, but I knew that would be wrong. The doorbell rang as we began to pull away.
Riley grinned as she ran downstairs,
"Hi Jimmy!" I heard her shout as the door opened, I bit my lip as I made my way over to my room.

Rileys pov

"You've been very busy the past week huh..?" Jimmy pointed out as we walked upstairs,
"Yea..stressful, but I missed you.." I grinned to myself, glad he couldn't see my face.
"I missed you a lot too.." He mumbled.
Jimmy glanced around my room as we walked in, as if he had never been in here before, which he had once, but I guess he didn't get to really look at it.
"So you really like enderman huh..?" Jimmy said as he picked up my enderman stuffy, I smiled widely,
"Yes, my first love." Jimmy laughed at me, looking over at my mine craft poster, and then my enderman figure. And all the other ones of Minecraft characters. "I like that you're such a nerd.."
"Not a nerd. Gamer." I corrected as I sat down on my bed, "'s truly adorable. Does this mean if we ever start dating we're going to move in together and have a mine craft room?" He raised an eyebrow as he joined me on my bed, stuffy still in hand. I smiled widely, "Well, we better."
"I'm not opposed to the idea.." Jimmy told me, we both turned to each other with a grin, Jimmy leaned in to me slowly, pressing his lips onto mine softly, his hand cupped my cheek gracefully as we deepened our kiss. I let myself fall back into the bed, letting Jimmy lean over me, he kissed me passionately now, I let my hands roam onto his back as we continued to make out, my hands found a mind of their own and tugged at the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up off of him. Jimmy smiled down at me nervously,
I grinned up at him as he leaned back down and continued to kiss me, he then trailed down my neck, sucking onto it. Jimmy then pulled my shirt up, I helped him pull it off, Jimmy kissed me again. Dont ask me if I have ever done this before, because I definitely hadn't, and when I did think about it, I never thought it would be with..Jimmy Donaldson.
Jimmy pulled away from me, his blue eyes piercing into mine, "Im sorry.." I raised an eyebrow,
"Why're you sorry..?"
"It was supposed to be an innocent kiss..I got out of hand, we don't have to do any of this..I don't want to make you uncomfortable.." Jimmy stumbled over his words, making me smile, "Jimmy, it's okay..I took off your shirt. I started it.." I winked at him, I grabbed my shirt and threw it back onto me, Jimmy copied me. "I really like you Riley..I'm trying not to mess this up..In general, not just this part of it..I just, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, or make myself come off super awkward...I just wanna take things slow..really make sure you want this kind of thing with me.." Jimmy expressed to me, I smiled at him, "Jimmy...I feel the same way..I really care about you..And i'm scared i'm going to mess this up too.." Jimmy pulled me into his arms and held me, brushing his fingers through my hair as we comforted each other. He was so warm and he felt like home.

Karls pov

I walked by Riley's door as I heard Jimmy mumbled, I stopped in my tracks, curiosity getting the best of me.. "I really like you Riley..I'm trying not to mess this up..In general, not just this part of it..I just, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or make you uncomfortable or make myself come off super awkward..I just wanna take things slow...make sure you really want this kind of thing with me.."
I felt my breathe hitch as I stood there feeling my heart fall, awaiting her response..
"Jimmy I feel the same way..I really care about you..And i'm scared i'm going to mess this up too.." Riley responded, I sighed and continued walking through the hall..feeling myself get sadder.

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