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"So how are you liking this school?" I asked Karl as we sat at the cafeteria table together, he shrugged as he pulled out a sandwich.
"It's okay, the only thing I like so far is you." His words made me smile, "Not that, but like, you're nice.." He said nervously, I chuckled, "Yeah, you're nice too Karl.."
"No one else here likes mine craft?"
"I think it's just us nerds." I looked at his grey blue eyes and he raised his eyebrows, "Sucks to be them doesn't it?" I nodded in agreement, "It really does. I can't believe we stayed up till four a.m yesterday working on our world.." I exclaimed as I picked up my lunch.
"I can, we're getting so far into it. I cant wait till we figure out a name for it, and a flag of course." He took a bite of his sandwich and I grinned. "You wanna do it again tonight?"
"Heck ya. Call me this time so we can talk while we do it.." Karl took out a pen from his back pack and reached for my hand, writing down his number with a small heart, I looked up at him with flushed cheeks. A heart.


"Get off your ass Karl!" I shouted as I opened his bedroom door, "Leave me alone." He groaned, I walked over to his curtains and opened them, allowing all the natural light into his room, causing him to shove his face into his pillow. "You told me you have to get up early today, cause you're going to hangout with Chris and them again.." I sat on his beside and Karl groaned mumbling something I couldn't hear. He reached for his phone without moving his head, and then he slowly, looked at it,
"Jesus Riley, it's nine a.m, what do you want me to do at this time?" He looked at me with squinted eyes, "I dunno.." I shrugged. "Why are you even up so early?" He asked me as he yawned, stretching his legs out, "I don't know didn't sleep too well..." I looked over at him with a disappointed face, Karl patted the empty spot next to him, I got up and he lifted the blanket as I climbed into bed with him, he turned to face me as his hand held his face on his pillow, I mimicked his position and he stared into my eyes, "What's going on Riley? You've been seeming down lately.." I shrugged, "I guess i've been feeling jealous of you? We started streaming together, but you obviously hit it off more than I have..Look at you Karl, you're hanging out with Jimmy, i've never been more proud of you, but why haven't I blew up like you?" I furrowed my eyebrows and Karl smiled at me, " me you will. Stop worrying about this..I promise you, you will.." I nodded at him, "thanks Karl. Im holding you to it.." I smirked at him this time and he nodded, "No worries. I know i'm right.." Karl sat up, finally climbing out of bed. He searched through his drawers and grabbed himself fresh clothes, "Mind if I stay in here?" I looked up at him, "Do you even have to ask?" Karl smiled at me and left the room. I shut my eyes and felt myself sink into the bed, Karl made me feel a lot better...

I felt something poking at my arm as I groaned, "Stop.." I mumbled, Karl's voice entered my ears as I rolled over, "Riley? Riley..wake up.."
I opened my eyes very slowly, finding Karl staring down at me, his floppy hair falling down around his face, I smiled immediately, he was so cute. "I'm leaving...the house is yours, maybe invite Mia over, I don't want you to be alone okay? Im sorry I can't stay to cheer you up more, but I promise I will be tomorrow. I have to go but i'll see you later, you can stay in here all you want.." Karl grabbed his sweater off his chair, I rolled around in his bed again, "Bye Riley! I love you!" He shouted as I heard him run downstairs. I groaned and shut my eyes tightly again.

I woke up at four p.m, I guess that's what happens to you when you don't sleep all night. I yawned as I sat up in karl's bed, stretching my arms out to the ceiling, I fell back into his bed as I debated getting up again. I slowly got out of bed, walking out of Karl's room. I walked out into the hallway and Grey meowed at me, rubbing up against my leg, I bent down and pet him, "Hi buddy." I walked into my room, looking into my closet to find clothes to wear for the day. As I rummaged through it I found my favourite old man sweater and I grabbed my blue mom jeans, I made my way to my bathroom, and started myself a warm shower. I undressed myself and climbed in, Grey jumping onto the bathroom counter, he meowed and I peeked my head out of the curtain, I smiled and got back to showering.
"Nice place! You live here alone?" I could heard distant mumbling, as I shampooed my hair,
"Hello?!?!" I heard a man's voice shout, I then heard loud footsteps come up the stairs,
"Hey Riley, the guys are hanging out here for a bit, I hope you don't mind.." Karl's voice travelled through the bathroom door, "It's cool.." I answered. I stopped the water as I finished showering, I was glad I brought my clothes into the bathroom so I didn't have to walk out in a towel. I pet Grey as I looked into the bathroom mirror, wondering if maybe Jimmy was around, I grinned as I felt myself blush at the idea of meeting the cute guy. I brushed my hair, and began getting dressed. I stood staring at myself in the mirror questioning my outfit, but I decided it was good enough, finally leaving the bathroom.

As I opened the bathroom door, the men's voices became a lot clearer.
"So where's your roommate..?" One of them asked, I grinned as I began walking downstairs. "She's showering.." Karl replied as I stepped into the room, I looked around at the guys sitting in the living room, they all glanced at me. "Hi.." I smiled nervously. Chandler stood up and smiled back at me, he reached for hand to shake, "hey! I'm chandler."
"Riley.." I smiled again, I looked over at Chris, "And you're Chris right?" He nodded,
"Karl didn't tell us he lives with a girl.." Chandler exclaimed as he sat back down, I felt a little disappointed Jimmy wasn't here.
"Riley's barely a girl, we've been friends since the nineth grade, she's a streamer too.." Karl told them, they nodded, barely a girl? What did that even mean.. "So you aren't Karl's girlfriend?" Chandler looked up at me and I laughed and shook my head, "Karl and a girlfriend? Please." Chandler laughed with me. "I could say the same about you Chandler.." Karl snapped, Chris stood up to calm the group, "Guys, as the married man here, I could say the same about myself, how did I get a wife?" Chris joined the laughter. "Anyways, it was lovely meeting you guys, but i'm actually heading out to my friends house.." I grabbed my purse off the coat hanger with my jacket, they waved good bye, but not before Karl stopped me at the door, "Where you going?" I smiled at him, "Mia's she invited me over for dinner.." Karl smiled, "Have fun!" I walked out to the entrance and opened the front door, I shut the door behind me, and clumsy me not watching in front of me, bumped into someone. The person caught me in their arms, I slowly glanced up, completely embarrassed, and my face flushed pink as I realized who it was. "You okay?" Jimmy's deep voice sang into my ears, his arms still holding onto mine. I looked into his eyes nervously as I stepped back, "I'm so sorry, I should really watch where i'm going.." I chuckled nervously, Jimmy chuckled too, "It's live here?" He asked me, I nodded, "Karl's roommate.."
"Oh cool, maybe i'll see you around.." He smiled down at me, I was finally grasping how tall he was...seeing him in person and all. His smile made my heart skip a beat, he was even cuter in person. "Yeah hopefully.." I replied nervously, stepping aside, letting him walk past me, I looked back as he went into my house, and I grinned as I walked to my car.

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