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Karl and I were running through the town streets trying to get back home in time for curfew. It was pouring rain tonight, and for some reason we didn't check the weather earlier nor did we take one of our cars. We stopped catching our breaths and both started to chuckle a bit, I looked over at him and laughed again, he was soaking wet.
"Oh my god Karl.." I continued to laugh,
"You're just as wet as me!" Karl smiled, he began kicking water at me and I jumped back, and we began both kicking water at each other, Karl and I both smiled and he got me good, wetting me all over. I shouted and ran towards the side walk, Karl chased me from behind, and he tackled me lighting into the grass, he leaned over me and we both laughed, Karl then smiled seriously at me, pushing my hair out of my face, I smiled up at him,
"You're so pretty Riley.." Karl mumbled, I was about to respond then someone stuck their head out of their door, "Hey get off my property!" The man shouted and Karl helped me up, we both ran away together laughing.


I sat in Mia's bed, stretching with a groan. Mia wasn't laying beside me anymore, I picked up my phone with a little yawn, it was already four p.m god I really need to get my sleeping schedule together.
Mia burst through her bedroom door as if she knew I was awake now, "Hey Ri! You need to stop going to bed so late.." She chuckled lightly, I groaned at her loudness, "Yeah, I know. Couldn't sleep last night, my mind was sprinting.." I pushed my hair out of my face and Mia sat down at the foot of the bed,
"What were you thinking about..?" She asked me, I shrugged thinking about what Karl was talking about again, I didn't want to talk about it to be quite frank, I wasn't even sure what any of it meant..
"Just the usual doesn't matter."
"Okay, well, I made pancakes like a lot earlier, if you wanna come have some..?" Mia chuckled,
"Sure, im coming down.." I nodded, making my way out of her bed slowly.
My phone vibrated from beside me and I picked it up, my smile appeared at his text message.

Jimmy:] : Are you free tonight?

Riley<3: I am:]

Jimmy:] : Great. Wanna hangout? :P

Riley <3: Yes i do in-fact want to hangout :]  Can I pick you up? I have something in mind..

Jimmy:] : Im ready when you are

I looked up at Mia and she was grinning,
"Is that who I think it is..?"
"Maybe.." I stood up from her bed and stretched one last time. "Ouuuu what does he want..?" She stood up to clapping her hands together, I chuckled at her, "We're hanging out.."
"Another point for Mr tall guy, he really wants to see you that much huh..?" She smirked, I shrugged,
"I guess he does.."
"So are you gonna go home and get ready or do it here..?" Mia asked me as I stepped out her room,
"I do not wanna go home to be honest with definitely here.." She followed behind me as I walked into her bathroom, she hopped up onto the counter as I begun getting undressed to shower.
"Why don't you wanna go home..?" She asked me as she looked up at the ceiling, I sighed,
"Just something happened yesterday and I wanna avoid Karl.." I stepped into the shower, Mia decided not to ask any questions which I was grateful for, and it was really surprising considering her pushy personality.

I stepped into my car, waving goodbye to Mia as I drove over to Jimmy's house. It was lightly raining outside which kind of ruined my plans, but it's okay, I could manage with that. My phone rang as I drove, connected to my bluetooth system, I picked up,
"Hey Ri. Coming home soon.? I miss you! And I got us a new game to play, I think you'll like it, it's one of those choices affect the outcome games.." Karl spoke happily, I bit my lip, turning on the next street,
"Karl, i'm not coming home yet..probably only later..I miss you too though." I told him, he sighed through the phone,
"Oh that's okay..Hanging out with Mia still?" I knew he could tell I was in the car, I figured I would just put it out there that I was going to hangout with Jimmy, lying about it always back fired on me.
"Actually, i'm picking up Jimmy...we're going to hangout for a bit.."
"Oh really..? Well that's nice..I hope you have a good time.." Karl mumbled, I sighed, "I will."
"Okay, I'll let you be. Bye Riley." He hung-up and I turned my music back on.

I arrived at Jimmy's texting him as I pulled into his drive way. He stepped outside with a smile plastered on his face, it kind of made me forget about feeling guilty for being with him. He was wearing black sweats today, with a black sweater, he stepped into my car and turned to me, "Hey."
"Hi. Ready?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he nodded, "Where are we going..?"
"Well that's the surprise I can't tell you just yet.." I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes, I began pulling out of his drive way.
"It's nice to see you again.." Jimmy told me as I drove down his street, to our unknown location.
"I can say the same." I smiled as I drove, Jimmy looked out the window with a smile too.
Maybe we would kiss tonight..the thought of it making my heart flutter.

tongue tied (Karl x oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora