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Karl Pov

"Riley, moo for us!" Mark mumbled as Riley and I walked past him and the football boys on our way to class. I turned to him as Riley grabbed my arm, "What did you say?!"
"Karl don't.." She mumbled behind me, Mark laughed and stepped closer to me, "I asked Riley to moo, cause she's been getting kind of fat..but what're you going to do about it you fucking loser." I felt my fist clench and I raised it, punching Mark in the face, he fell to the floor, his friends stepping towards me. Riley pulled me by my arm and we began sprinting out of the hallway,
"Yeah fucking run!" Mark shouted, Riley and I stopped sprinting as we got upstairs.
"Karl. Why would you hit him?" Riley crossed her arms as she gave me an unimpressed look, I sighed, "The way he spoke about you.."
"I don't care, violence isn't the answer, is your fist okay..?" She picked up my hand and I looked down at it, it was a bit bruised, I winced as she touched my fingers. "You're right..I shouldn't disappointed in myself..I know better..It just really pissed me off that they think they can put you down like that Ri. You're beautiful, not a cow." I looked into Riley's brown eyes, she grinned up at me, pulling me into her, her arms wrapped around my waist delicately, "I love you Karl."
"I love you too.."


I stared at Riley as the sun beamed onto her face, both of us standing as we waited for the machine to rent out our bikes. "What..?" She lowered her sunglasses, taking a quick glance at me, I shrugged,
"Just looking at you, sorry.." I moved my gaze to the person in front of us who moved to grab their bike.
I looked at the machine and clicked for a rental of an electric bike, I placed my card into the machine as Riley watched over my shoulder. The transaction went through and I took my card back, shoving it into my wallet, a bike unlocked and Riley pulled it out, "Who's driving.?" She asked me,
"Me, what the heck." I hurried to get behind the handle bars, Riley joined me, sitting herself on the backseat, her hands wrapping themselves around my waist, I began directing us onto the sidewalk.
"How long do we have it for..?" Riley asked me,
"Five hours.." I replied as the speed got higher, my hair blew through the wind, and I felt Riley grip onto me tightly this time, I pulled one hand off the handle bar and pet hers, "Crazy man! Put your hand back on the wheel!" She shouted at me, I chuckled and placed my hand back down, "Calm the hell down!" I shouted as I continued to chuckle.
"You want to go somewhere cool..?" I asked Riley as we went by a forest, "Of course.." she replied to me, I took a quick turn into the forest on a path and Riley let go of me, her arms shot up into the air and she shouted, "Woooo!"
I chuckled lightly at her as we biked through the pathway, the trees blocking the sunlight, birds chirped happily, Riley's arms found their way back onto my waist, in a way it was comforting to know she felt safe with me.

After more miles into the hill Riley began tapping my shoulder vigorously. "What?" I glanced at her, "Stop, we have to go over there." Riley directed me, I stopped the bike and she hopped off, making her way to the left. I walked with the bike, following her, and I finally laid my eyes upon the hidden gem she had found. I placed the bike against a tree and walked over to Riley, she stood in a small area filled with purple flowers, she gave me a wide smile, "Karl! This is amazing." She looked around this time, I smiled to myself joining her side, "Can we sit for a while..?" She asked me, I nodded, "What the heck, you didn't even have to ask."

Riley bent down, laying down in the grass, making sure not to lay on a single flower, I looked down at her with a small grin and bent down myself, placing myself next to her, I laid down, looking up at the trees that let a small amount of sunlight on us.
I looked over at Riley and she smiled at me,
"Could we have been luckier..?"
"I don't think so. This is pretty sweet.." I looked around at the flowers that laid beside me. Riley's phone vibrated and she pulled it out of her pocket.
I glanced at her notification quickly as she held it up.

Jimmy:] : You never texted me when you got home yesterday, just checking in.

My eyebrows furrowed as I read the message, she quickly turned her phone off, glancing at me,
"You lied about where you were yesterday..?" I sat up staring down at her, she shrugged casually,
"I did, im sorry.." I rolled my eyes, "Why..?"
She sat up, her hands sat on her knees, her brown eyes laid onto mine, "I guess I didn't want you to get upset.."
"Why would I even get upset? What's there even to be upset about..?" I spoke defensively, to be quite honest it was really upsetting me that she was hanging out with him now, I mean, he's my boss. Why does she have to start actually liking him? Then I have to watch them kiss and cuddle on the couch, and then i'll have to share Riley with him, and we're together all the time, I couldn't even imagine what it would be like if they did start actually seeing each other, that would mean, he would watch adventure time with her late at night, he would be the one to watch her mess up a skateboard trick, he would be the one who she went on late night drives with, he would be the one who played with her hair when she cried about her family late at night..he would be the one to replace me..
"I don't know Karl..I guess nothing, I wanted to tell you. I just didn't think you'd react the best, but i'm glad its out in the open now.." She flashed a small smile at me, I laid down again with a small sigh, my arm laid under my head, "So do you actually like him..?"
"I'm not sure...he's really sweet..we haven't kissed or anything if that's what you're wondering..We're just getting to know each other right now.. but we text a lot and he makes me happy.." She explained to me, I looked over at her and a small grin was upon her face as she talked about it..I'd never seen Riley like someone before, it was definitely a first for me...and it felt weird.
"As long as you're happy Ri, that's all that matters to me and you know that.." Riley finally glanced at me, she smiled again and placed herself on my chest, my hands brushed through her hair, her fingers tracing along my chest. These moments with her, were the highlights of my life.

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