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“Sunday.. Sunday.. why did you have to come faster this week?”

“Which one, day-off or deadline?”

“Ugh, deadline”

“Ugh, deadline”

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"Who might you be?"

A tall— not as tall as Gojo —light brown haired woman asks with much intimidation laced in her voice while keeping the confused [Hair Color] haired female stay close to her.

Her brows furrowed and frowned when the said male shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly then casually leaning back on the chair, didn't seem intimidated by the silent threat she gave off.

"That kid of yours invited me inside, besides, she kinda forced me to do it anyways". [Name], who sat down across to him had to stand up from her chair and hold Higuchi's arms before something worst happened.

Her face scrunched at the strength of the middle-aged woman. "NO! I PROMISE HE'S A GOOD PERSON I SWEAR!!" She yelled, trying desperately to snap them out from their intense glaring contest.

Higuchi stopped upon the girl's yell and lowered her hand, turning to look at her in surprise. After a while, [Name] keeps holding her arm tightly despite the fact that she no longer has any intention of hurting him.

Her lips pursed and faced the smug man with suspicion. "Who are you?"

Gojo crossed both arms and legs to show his victory inside her domain, her house, feeling proud of himself. "Did ya hear that?"

Higuchi growled lightly at him, then slowly sat down and ate her own meal, trying her best to refrain from laying a fist on his smug, arrogant face.

A sigh of relief passed [Name]'s lips as she sat back calmly and put on a bright smile. She clapped her hands happily and gave them a close-eyed smile. "Now then, let's enjoy this food peacefully"

And lunch that happened that day is one of the most awkward ones. Because every time Higuchi and Gojo try to glare against each other again, [Name] will release the most terrifying aura that makes them have to reluctantly back down.

The sound of clanking finished [Name]'s lunch activities as she put her dirty dishes into a pile of it then stood up and excused herself.

As she left both of them alone, a face of disguise Gojo put the whole time fallen down, replaced by a straight, cold expression he unusually put on.

"Hey" he called out. Higuchi stopped her hands from slicing the beef meat she was about to eat. Her brown eyes darkened upon the sudden change of atmosphere caused by the teenager in front of him.

Suddenly, breathing inside that room became unusually hard as she felt suffocated each second she passed with him.

But as an adult, she can't lower her guard down, moreover to that person. Nobody knows what will happen if he really does something. "What?" She asked nonchalantly, trying not to freeze right there in her place.

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