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– 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑒, 𝐼 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 –

"I sent you my location so please pick me up". Nanami pressed a wound on his torso with a piece of clothes while he called Ijichi. His condition isn't so bad right now. In fact, he can still stand and is called Ijichi. "I'll go back to the magic college for medical treatment from Ieiri-san". "MEDICAL TREATMENT!" Ijichi was surprised by this, just how strong their enemy were if Nanami was injured. No, scratch that, how bad is his injury?!.

"It's okay. It's not a deadly injury" he assured. "I'll join Itadori-kun right away. I'm heading there right now". "... Are you not with him?" Nanami's voice rang from his phone. Here we go... He will get scolded from the worst. Adults of all adults, Nanami Kento. He's on the brink of tears "I'm an idiot".

'Beep' Nanami ended their call. "Phew..". He looked up, his mind wandering the cursed back then. "That cursed spirit... Is a child. It's likely that not much time has passed since he came into existence,.... On top of that, the number of victims greatly exceeds my expectations. I have to exorcise him as soon as possible. Or he'll became something we can't recover from"

Sighed, he just remembered that someone was with him. She didn't make any noise, so noticing her made it more difficult. "It's no surprise, they said 'you can't sense her presence' anyway". Nanami looked towards the bathroom entrance. He didn't really into making someone wait too long anyway, so he prepared to leave.

When he made it outside, he greeted with [Name]'s apologetic looks. Before he could say something, she bowed her head lightly and apologized. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't leave you on your own. I'm too preoccupied with what I found, that I failed to notice your situation". "It's okay, lift your head. What's happened already happens anyway".

[Name] lifts her head then notices his injury. She sighed, "At least let me do something to your wound, we don't want it to get worse". Slowly, he lifted his hand and her hands reached out to his wounded torso. A faint red glow emitted from her hands, and slowly stopped the bleeding. "I can't do much since this isn't my speciality. It's the only way I can help you with it, " she said. After it stopped, she opened her backpack, then took out a roll of bandage and wrapped it around his torso.


[Name] walked past Nanami after his talk with Itadori. "Where are you going?" Her steps slowed down, then stopped. She glanced at him then facing him. "I have a feeling that 'he' will target Itadori-kun this time. It's so obvious that he's after him. I don't think he'll be able to handle him alone". Her eyes show determination with a hint of concern. "That's why, please let me go after him". From his perspective, she isn't the type that recklessly ignores her well-being. It shouldn't be a problem to let her go.

He sighed. "Alright, I'll take someone to fill your absence" Her eyes lighten up by this. Smiling lightly, she thanked him "I'm sorry for the trouble. Thank you". Before she went, she faced him once more. "Please go to Satozakura High after you're done with that. We'll need your help" immediately she turned her back and ran outside.

She's a bit weird, he agrees with that. Her intuition is scary sometimes, but that's what helps her all this time. Choosing to trust her, he called someone then left. "I hope I won't regret it.


"Itadori-kun, wait! Wait! STOP!!". "Huh?" Itadori stopped. He felt like someone was calling him. Or, did he just hallucinated?. "It's strange... I think I should clean my ears later... It started to make me get goosebumps" He scratches his ear. No, it's not that. You're just too dense to notice it.

He shrugged his shoulders and stepped forward, wasn't aware of someone behind him. 'Tap' "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! FORGIVE ME!" He screeched. And,  'Slap' [Name] hissing and slapped his back. "Shut up will you!". "Eh?" Itadori sweat-dropped and turned around, facing with a very pissed [Name].

He's stopped now, and 'finally' aware of her presence. Now, she can catch her breath. Just how much strength does he have? She sat on a bench and Itadori followed her, like a dejected puppy. It's actually cute, don't argue with it. After she can breath normally, she looks up to Itadori, looking straight in his eyes. His breath hitched, he praying for his safety. "Ah... I can see grandpa from here, I'll be there soon.."

Itadori's strange behavior concerned [Name]. "Itadori-kun" Her voice caught his attention. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just called you but you didn't stop". His eyes lighten up like a Christmas tree. She can see his imaginary tails wailing behind him. "Hehe... It's okay [Last Name]-san, I wasn't that surprised" He said sheepishly and scratches his head "Thank God, she didn't kill me". 'Liar' she still remembered how loud his screeched back then, but decided to brush it off.

All of a sudden she became serious. "Itadori-kun" Her mood changed so fast that it freaked Itadori. "Yes.. [Last Name]-san?" He asked groggily. "I–like you"


Just kidding

"I'll go with you. I need to go there soon". Her tone became firm "But, I won't help you until your life is in danger or Sukuna switched with you. Until then, please, believe in me". Itadori's taken aback. He didn't need to know [Name] for long to know her sincerity. So, he smiled to her. "Don't worry [Last Name]-san i won't disappoint you".

Her eyes softened, a smile appeared on her face. "Thank you". "Ah, don't call me with my last name. It feels weird. Just [Name] is okay with me" she waved her hand and smiled. Ah, it's bad.. she can't stop smiling around him. She keeps comparing him with a little puppy, it's adorable.

It's not what Itadori expected her to say. Actually, he didn't see it comes at all. He flustered.. "...Ah! No, it feels direspect for me. I respect you so much to call your name". She waved her hand "It's okay, beside, we aren't that different either. Just think of me as your old friend, if that help you". Her stubbornness make him sighed, she won't back away even if he arguing with her "Okay, please call me Yuuji then". She walked away, followed by him. Without turning, she responded "Count on me, Yuuji-kun".


She's panting, she leaned on her katana so she wouldn't fall down. Her lungs desperately asked her for oxygen supply, suffocated her. Her sight became hazy, her eyes ringing, and her wounds hasn't fully healed yet. If Ieiri saw her right now, she'll scolded her surely. With her remaining strength, she tried to standing up although her legs feel numb from blood loss.

Mahito stand behind her, preparing to 'change' her soul as he likes to say it. Itadori noticed it and call her name. "[NAME]! MOVE!" He yelled, tried desperately to move and save her, it's useless. He completely can't do anything right now. She widen her eyes and turning around, prepared to sheathe her katana. Sadly, it's too late. Mahito already touch her torso. A sudden wave striking Mahito, forcing him to backed away.

He faced her widen eyes. A clear suspicion in his voice "What is that 'thing' inside you?"


A/N: Thank you so much for 1k+ reads and 100+ votes o(*^▽^*)o. My update schedule will be a little messed up since I can't update more frequently. Yes, I have updated a bit often lately, but.. I don't know how much time I can keep up with this. Stay safe and see ya in the next chapter~


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