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"Damn, I can't seem to think of anything right now"

"Then go studying you useless piece of shit"

"That last line isn't necessary y'know.."


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"WHY'S EVERYONE EMPTY-HANDED?!". I turn my head to the source of the loud voice my kouhai has. Oh, great. Just one more loud person coming here. Can I have my headphones right now? We all have an exact expression upon the brown-haired sudden outburst, a face full of obviousness.

She looked at us confused with luggage in her hand and a bag that was slinging over her shoulder. "Rather, why'd you have luggage?" Panda asked her, speaking out a thought we shared together. I put my hands together and bowed my head in a praying gesture with tears in my eyes. "Thanks Panda, I owe you one".

"The sister school reunion at Kyoto.." she trailed off with a confused face. I'm right, she misunderstood it. "The sister school reunion with Kyoto. At Tokyo" Panda corrected.

A loud pitiful voice came from her direction. "No waaaaay~". Since I'm not in the mood to deal with that, I'm coming closer to where Maki and Megumi are. I heard they talked about the event last year and decided to chimed in.

"Last year, Yuuta joined to match numbers". "Yep, those good-for-nothing third years can't take it themselves" They turned to face me.

A realization struck Maki's mind. "That's right, why were you going to Kyoto last year? I know if it's Yuuta, but you?" I sweat dropped at her question. Is my friend really didn't trust my ability since I'm always playing around? I can hear scattered sounds of my heart being ripped apart.

"Hey... Don't say like I'm that useless" I pouted when they put a blank face with my answer. Even Megumi also take their side?!.

"You are useless"

"Sorry [Name], but action speaks louder than words"

"No comment"

I huffed irritated with that. It's not like there's a secret in my involvement last year, but I would rather not speak anything about what actually happened. There's something they better shouldn't have known, and I planned to keep it that way.

I sighed tiredly and scratched my cheeks. "Well, Satoru keeps pestering me nonstop about it. So, I can't say anything about that. Besides, I am also interested in it".

Seems like my answer satisfies them. They bought back the previous topic that made me sigh relieved. "It was before 'Rika' was dispelled, right?" She confirmed it.

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