"Zane." There was no emotion in my voice as I said the word. It was quiet enough that no one turned to look at me. Except Zane.

Zane turned instantly, finding my eyes. If didn't know Zane's soul so well, if I didn't know that Zane would never hurt me the way I did, I might even be scared by the look in his eyes. They were wild, determined. They weren't cold, they were blazing hot.

Zane instantly let go of Jax's shirt, leaving him slumped over in a pile. A couple of the other football players that had gathered to watch the show instantly appeared at his side. Jax didn't stay idle for long, however, before stumbling back to his feet. He tried to charge at Zane, but he was instantly held back by his friends.

Zane didn't pay any attention to him, however, he was only looking at me. He had his hands raised in front of me, as if he was trying to calm me. The thought almost made me want to laugh. I had just watched him beat someone up but he wanted to calm me.

"Let's go." I said, grabbing Zane's hand as soon as he was in reaching distance. He winced slightly as I took his large hand in mine, and I looked down to see his bruised and bloody knuckles. Zane didn't argue as I pulled him away from the crowd of kids, each of them watching us like we were their favourite TV show's season finale, and they couldn't believe what just happened.

Zane's pace picked up as we walked down the halls, and soon enough he was dragging me by the hand. He pushed through the door, holding it open to let me pass through.

Once we were outside he spun around and faced me, placing both of his arms on my shoulders.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to. I know you said not to, but fuck, Seren. I can't. I don't know how you can do it." Zane's eyes were still wild. His words were rushing out, barely a space between each one. He was frantically searching my face, and I'm not sure for what this time.

"Take a deep breath." I told him.

Zane tilted his head at me, like my words were not what he expected. After a second, he took a deep breath through his nose.

"I didn't mean for it to happen." Zane let go of my shoulders and spun around in circle, pounding his fist into the tree beside us. I flinched at the sound it made.

"He was waiting at your locker. Just waiting there. I want to kill him, Seren, and I'm not exaggerating. I actually want to kill him." Zane raised his hands and ran them through his hair, resting his hands on the back of his head.

"I told him, you know, I said he needs to leave you alone. I told him that I knew." Zane looked down at his feet when he said it.

"You shouldn't have done that." I sighed out. He really shouldn't have. He really, really, really, shouldn't have.

"I know. I know, I'm sorry. But there's a reason why I did." Zane grabbed my hands, looking back at my face.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"My mom called me when I was waiting for you at your locker. That's why I went outside, to answer it. My grandma, she's been sick for a while. Apparently she's not doing good. They think this might be it." Zane explained. He sighed as he pushed my hair behind my ears, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb. "We have to go down to Arizona. I tried to get out of it. I know you need me here..."

"No. Zane. You have to go, are you serious? Saying goodbye to your grandma is more important." I told him, although I felt the panic in my stomach rising at what he was saying.

"It doesn't feel like its more important right now." Zane muttered.

"It is." I said.

"Either way, my mom said I have to go." Zane told me. "I had to say something to him. I had to, Seren. He has to know he didn't get away with it."

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