He tried to get his tense body to loosen up, but it was quite obvious it wasn't working too well. "You know, I haven't done it with anyone outside of NC-"

"You're doing a mission, not having sex", someone spat through the earpiece and I automatically poked my tongue against the inside of my cheek. "Get a grip on yourself!"

I inhaled deeply as I looked up to the roofs of the tall city buildings, trying to find Donghyuck who was currently observing the situation from above with a few other NCT members. Lucky for him, I couldn't get a glimpse the stident and instead continued to walk alongside the youngest, definitely annoyed by the older's words.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled nonetheless and narrowed my eyes at nothing. "If you're so confident, why don't you come down here and do it yourself, you little shit!"

A few people passing by us frowned when they heard me hissing out of nowhere, causing me to smile at them apologetically.
I didn't care too much though. I wouldn't meet them again anyways.

"Stop swearing at me, will you?" I heard the brinette once again, rolling my eyes at his offended tone.

"In your dreams, bitch."

Someone else started chuckling and telling by the unique sound, it was Johnny who I had already met several times at the headquarters while planning today. He often hung around Hyuck and Mark and it was honestly surprising how close they seemed, like brothers almost.

"Is she really your girlfriend?" The older chuckled again.

I smiled slightly, eyes still focused as we got closer to our destination. "Occasionally."

Jisung laughed a little as he heard us argue with each other, somehow calming down as if he forgot the mission for a short moment. At least that was able to slightly brighten his mood even though it was going to change again soon.

After several turns through the many alleys, we finally reached the destined café, that was close to the city centre. One week of additional observations and a couple of DRGNS had found out what places each SVT member always had to go to.
I was glad that it wasn't Wonwoo, who we had to approach, since of all members I probably hated him the most. I wondered how he was doing though since the last time I had seen him was when I shot him.

Well... I mean I hope he bled to death, but I didn't get my hopes up.

"Let's take a seat over there", I nodded my head in the direction of a table that stood close to the café, but wasn't too much in the front to notice it. The younger only agreed before we both walked over and took a seat behind all the other tables.

Gladly, there were already other families or couples sitting on those, happily minding their own business while enjoying the beauties of life. They had no idea how lucky they were and if I was honest, I was jealous of their unbothered and relaxed attitude. How I wished of living a life like theirs.

Judging by the spaced-out look on Jisungs face he seemed to have the same thoughts, his eyes particularly locking onto a group of friends that sat around their ice creams, laughing and chatting energetically. My mood was gradually getting worse as well as I studied his expression a bit longer, only having one question on mind.

"How come you're gang member?" I asked while leaning my head against the palm of my hand. "Don't get me wrong, but you don't really pass off the typical gang vibes, you know?"

As always, he seemed a bit uneasy, gritting his teeth while trying to so smile despite the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"I don't know... it just happened."

EMBERS • HAECHAN (Not Finished Yet)Where stories live. Discover now