Chp. 34: Yer Honor

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"HE WHAT?!" I run my hands through my hair. Race puts his arm over my shoulder. I look at David who is standing in front of me.

"The trial is in an hour"

"Theys lettin us go right?"

"Yeah. Which means we gotta get ready"


"If we's want Jack ta get out of this we gotta look a little betta than street rats" Race says.

"Good point. I's don't have noice clothes that ain't a dress"

"I suggest not wearing a dress this"

"I think yous right Race" He lets out a big smile.

"I's don't have the right shoes"

"Haha very funny"
"All rise. All rise. Court is now in session" We're at Jacks court and I'm next to Spot and Race. Spot is the only Brooklyn newsie here. All of the Manhattan newsies are here plus the leaders from each borough. There was too many of us to all be here.

"Judge E. A. Monahan presiding" The big fat man with the white beard comes out and sits in his chair.

"Are any of you represented by counsel" We all ask around for what a council is. No one knows. They look at me and I shrug my shoulders. I never took no law courses.

"No? Good. That'll move things along considerably" This judge ain't giving us much.

"Yer honor, I object" Those words coming from Spot's mouth tell me nothing good is gonna happen next.

"On what grounds" The judge stares at Spot intently. I can see the aggravation all over his face.

"On the grounds of Brooklyn, yer honor" I mentally face palm myself. Is Spot for real right now. Even though it wasn't a smart move I still laugh at it with the other newsies.

"I fine each of you $5" All of the newsies quiet down.

"Or 2 weeks confinement in the House of Refuge"

"Aye we ain't got 5 bucks" I yell at the judge.

"We's don't even got 5 cents" The boys agree with me.

"Hey yer honor, hows bout I roll ya for it? Double or nothin"

"Move along. Move along" The judge pays no attention to any of the things we said.

"Well that wasn't very nice" Race whispers to me.

"Downright disrespectful" We both nod at each other and turn our attention back to the trial.

"Your honor I'll pay the fines. All of them" Denton storms in. David does too. Denton comes over to us and looks like it's urgent.

"We gotta meet at the restaurant. Everybody. We have to talk"

"Pay the clerk. Move it along" Jack finally walks in and his eyes go straight to mine. He is handcuffed with his hands behind his back. He's trying to act tough but I could tell behind his mask he is scared. Just like the rest of us.

"Heya fellas"

"Hey cowboy, nice shiner" Race points out the black eye Jack has. I look at Jack and he just gives me an apologetic look. The judge bangs the gavel on the wood plate and yells at us again.

"Do you gotta keep bangin that?"

"For that you owe 5 more dollars Cam from Manhattan" He points the gavel at me and I shut my mouth.

"Hey Denton I guess we's made all the papers this time. So how's ma picture look" I just realized Denton and David are up there by Jack now.

"None of the papers covered the rally. Not even the Sun"

I knew something like this would happen. People like him always burn you in the end. My dad did and I thought Denton wouldn't but I should've known better. I look around and all the boys look disappointed. Jack and I included.

"Case of Jack Kelly. Inciting a riot, assault, resisting arrest" If that's what he's charged with then they should be putting us all on trial.

"I'll speak for this young man" Snyder says. That's when I lose it. I start lunging for Snyder but I'm held back. I look to see Spot.

"He's not worth it" I wrangle out of his grasp.

"This boys real name is Francis Sullivan" My jaw drops literally. He looks out at everyone and his eyes land on me. I look away. I can't bear to look at him. No one can it seems.

"His mother's deceased and his fathers a convict in the state penitentiary" That I knew about. But if he told me all that why wouldn't he tell me his real name.

I look and see David. He looks like he's about to fall into a pit of despair. I walk over to him and give him a hug from behind.

"He's an escapee from the House of Refuge where his original sentence for 3 months was extended to 6 for disruptive behavior"

I keep my arms wrapped around David. I can tell he needs this and I think I do a little bit too. Snyder keeps bagging on Jack. Jack defends himself, and pretty well I might add. Until Snyder says he wants to keep him there until he's 21.

He talks about 'leading him to a useful and productive life'. Biggest shit I've ever heard.

"So ordered" The judge bangs the gavel and I know what it means.

"No!" Les says from behind me.

A guard takes Jack away and Snyder follows. Uh oh.

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