Chp. 14: New Look

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"So what's really happening with your parents"

"What do you mean Camryn"

"Jack I'm not stupid. I knew what you told David and Les was a lie" He looks at me and for the first time I thought he might actually be scared.

"I uh uhm"

"Save it. Your gonna tell me"

"And hows do you know that" Jack stops and looks down at me. He crosses his arms.

"Because you can trust me and I'm not giving up till I find out" He looks like he might actually be considering it. It may not be great but I know how messed up families work. I tap my foot on the ground.

"Ok fine i'll tell ya" He starts walking again and I jog a bit to catch up to him.

"But this stays between us. Nobody can know the truth.

"Got it, now tell me"

"Alright so me moms dead" To be honest I wasn't expecting him to say that. I was thinking maybe they weren't together or something. Not that she was dead.

"And me dad is locked up"

"Wow. That's pretty fucked up"

"Yeah. Yours don't seem too great either"

"Well guess we got that in common"

"Guess so" We walk through the streets of Manhattan and just make small talk. I really hope he actually does have a place to stay because those streets aren't very comfortable. We finally arrive at a big building.

"Home sweet home" It actually seems pretty nice. Not sure why only 1 guy needs a place this big but if it's good enough for him it's good enough for me.

"Oh heya Race"


"Hey Jack" I finally see someone. A boy. And I guess he sees me too.

"Who's the goil"

"Oh this is Camryn. She's gonna be our new goil newsie"

"Oh nice ta meet ya, the name's Race. I'm a newsie too."

"Well I'm Camryn like Jack said"

"After you" Race puts his hand out to the door and lets me step inside. I'm pretty sure this isn't just Jack's place, it's the newsies.

"Wow what a gentleman"

"Thanks. I'm goin to bed night guys" Race goes upstairs to where i'm assuming the beds are. I walk inside and there are some stairs and a counter with a room in the back. There's also another room opposite the stairs to my right. A little less classy than Brooklyn but still pretty nice.

"Evening Mr Kloppman"

"Evening Jack and uhm who's this"

"Camryn. Our newest newsie as of tomorrow"

"Oh no. The newsies can't see you" Then the man behind the counter shoves me and Jack into a back room. Jack seems to be just as surprised as I am.

"What's wrong Mr Kloppman"

"There can't be any girl newsies in Hattan"

"Why" I ask. That makes no sense. There are in Brooklyn. So why not here?

"You'll get beat up bad"

"No I won't. I was a newsie in Brooklyn and I was fine"

"Brooklyn's a little different. Yeah it's more violent and rough but here a girl newsie just wouldn't be accepted"

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