Chp. 12: Truth or Dare

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I change into my swimsuit which is a lilac with white floral bikini. Jess knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yous done in there yet?!" I walk out and put my clothes on the bed.

"It's all yours"

"Finally" She rushes into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.

Jess and I are gonna go swim by the docks. I have been wanting to do this since I came here on the first day and saw all the newsies swimming. It looked like so much fun.

Jess comes out and looks at me.

"Dang girl you're so skinny" She tells me.

I've never really liked my body. I was always told that I was too fat or too skinny. Especially when all of my friends from school are tiny and skinny and perfect. Not me.

"Aww thanks. But look at you. Like damn" She comes over and gives me a hug.

"You ready ta go?"

"Let's do this" I tell her.

We get to the docks and there's no one there thank god. I didn't want any of the boys to see me.

"Cannonball!" Jess yells before she jumps in the water and drags me under with her. I come up from the surface and realize it isn't Jess. It's Shoots.

"Shoots?!" Oh no. There's a boy here, exactly what I didn't want.

"What are you doing here"

"We's saw you and Jess swimmin and havin fun and the boys and I wanted to join"

"What do you mean, the boys?" As if right on cue a bunch of boys jump in the water and surround us. I look for Jess in the mess of boys and she's nowhere to be seen. God why did she leave me now i'm all alone.

Then I feel something under me and I'm pulled out of the water. I realize i'm on someone's shoulder. Whoever it is they must have picked me up. I start pounding my fists on their back (lightly of course) and telling them to set me down.

"Not today Princess" Spot. Of course.

"Ugh Spot"

"You sound upset"

"Not really. I just didn't want any guys here"

"And why's that?"

"Cause I'm not exactly confident about my body"

He stops and takes me off of his shoulder so we're facing each other.


"I don't know I just am" I look down at the water and away from him.

"Hey" He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up so I look him straight in the eye.

"Yous beautiful. Yous got nothin ta be insecure about. I promise"

"Thanks Spot"I pull him into a hug and he doesn't expect it.

"Now let's go have some fun"

We spend almost the whole day just swimming and laughing and playing in the water. It may be the most fun I've had in awhile. I eventually became a little less insecure and was able to enjoy myself. I mainly was with Jess, Spot, Shoots, and a few of the older newsies. The younger ones, like Sprints, were playing some water game I think.

The sun started going down so eventually we had to get out of the water and dry off. My hands and feet were super pruny and I felt super drained.

Us older newsies stayed together for the most part.

"Hey you guys wanna hang out tonight and play a game?" I ask the group. A few of them nodded their heads. I took that as a yes.

"Our room in an hour?" Jess asks. Everyone agrees and we all part ways to go change and get ready.

We hear a knock at the door and I go get it and see everyone standing outside. They come in and we all sit down on the floor.

"Hey who's guarding since Shoots and Mick are here?"

"Sprints and a few other boys. I's told Sprints ta come get us if somethin happens." Spot, who is sitting next to me answers. I am next to him and Shoots.

"So's what do we wanna do" I hadn't really thought of it. Then an idea pops into my head.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" I used to play that game all the time when I went to big parties with my friends. Then I realize there's only 2 girls and like 7 guys.

"Ok never mind. Any other ideas?"

"We should play truth or dare" Jess pipes up.

"Yeah, let's do it" Everyone says.

"You go first since you suggested it" Shoots says.

Jess nods and looks around for who her first victim is. Her eyes land on a newsie.

"Truth or Dare Adam"

"Uhm Truth" The tall blonde says.

"Who's ya favorite newsie" Spot sends Adam a glare

"I mean I's gotta go wit Spot but I love all you guys" Awww so nice. Except it was obviously forced.

"Truth or Dare Jess"


Adam thinks for a bit and then his face lights up.

"Do yous have a crush on anyone" The most elementary and basic truth or dare question ever. It's still a good one though.

"Yeah this guy from Queens" I look at her and wiggle my eyebrows. She glares back and I stop.

"Yeah yeah whateva. For that your next" I make a fake terrified face and try and look as scared as possible.

"Truth or Dare Camryn"

"Dare, let's make it interesting" I smirk and cross my arms.

"I's dare you ta kiss Spot" I shrug my shoulders.


"On the lips" I give Jess a look that says i'll get you for that. Spot looks and me and gives me an awkward smile. I'll admit i've been wanting to kiss him for a while but I thought it would make our friendship weird.

"No big deal" Spot starts to lean forward and so do I. Then Sprints comes running into the room panting. We both move backwards and look at him

"Alyssa Menken" Fuck.
Aaaahhh what's gonna happen next. I know what happens but like i'm still interested. Also like idk if Millie Bobby Brown is insecure and stuff but for the sake of the story let's pretend she is. I have the pic of her suit as the chapter cover.

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