Chp. 25: Rescuing Crutchie

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I am taking a late night stroll like I usually do when I have something on my mind. I'm thinking of the night we got my stuff from Brooklyn.

What if Spot did know it was me. I think I heard him say I looked familiar. But if he knew why didn't he try harder to come get me. And what about our date and the kiss. Well almost kiss.

I really like him and not seeing him makes the feeling intensify. I wonder if he likes me too. I never get to think about it anymore when I'm pulled into an alleyway. I put my hands up but see it's Jack and David.

"What the hell guys you scared me"

"Keep ya voice down and come wit us" I am about to ask what we're doing but I've just given up. These guys are always doing something crazy.

We end up at a big brick building and David looks just as confused as me.

"This is the refuge?" Oh so that's where we are. I thought Jack didn't wanna be caught and be put in here.

"Yep. Home sweet home"

"But why are we's here"

"Because Crutchy's here"

"You sure Jack?" I look at him and he can tell I'm doubtful.

"I'm sure, don't worry"

"What's the rope for" I see the rope in Jacks hand and get even more confused.

We walk over to the big gate and I look inside. Even though I can't see anything. We hear hooves on the pavement and bolt behind a wall nearby.

The carriage passes and we get away with no one seeing us.

"So who's goin down on the rope" Both of their eyes land on me and I get a bad feeling.

"I am ain't I?"

"Well yous are the lightest"

"Gee thanks"

They lower me down on a rope and stop at a window. I look around for Crutchy but don't see him.

"Who are you" A little boy comes over and I look up at Jack confused. He points at me then him then both of us. Got it.

"I's with Jack Kelly"

"Oh cool I'm Tenpin"

"Cool, I'm lookin for a new guy. Crutchy"

"The gimp? I'll get em" He walks away and comes back with Crutchy.

"Hey Crutchy" I wave at him but quickly stop so I don't fall off the rope.

"I don't belie it. Theys said a pretty goil was waitin but I's didn't think they meant yous"

"In the flesh"

"So what ya hangin round ere for"

"Whadda you mean what am I's hangin around ere for" We both laugh slightly.

"Ya know who's up on the roof?"


"David and Jack"

"Really? Is that you? Hey guys how ya doin!" They both shush him.

"Listen Crutchy go get yer stuff. We's gettin ya outta here"

"Well uh, actually, I ain't walkin so good" No shit Sherlock.

"Oscar and Morris kind of worked me over a little"

"They hurt ya" He nods and I feel terrible I couldn't do anything else.

"But it's ain't yer fault. You did everythin ya could Camryn"


"But don't worry bout it. We can carry you outta here"

"Hey I don't want nobody carryin me. Neva you hear?" I nod and he talks to David again.

"Hey Davey, Camryn you know they still talk about how Jack rode outta here on that coach"

"Teddy Roosevelt's right?" David read my mind.

"Yous already heard the story"

"Yous mean it's true?"

"Of course"

We hear footsteps and then I hear Crutchy.

"Hey cheese it" The warden comes in and checks on everyone. I quickly swing to the side so he can't see me. He starts approaching the window and I can feel my hands sweating. Luckily Crutchy blocks him from seeing me and takes him away.

My hands start to slip and I mouth to Jack to pull me up. It must be too dark for him to see because he doesn't move a muscle. My hands fall off and I catch the rope a few inches from the bottom.

"Camryn!" David yells loudly from the roof and I'm pretty sure the whole street could hear him. I am now hanging right in front of the window and I pray to god that Snyder doesn't see me. He starts walking to the window but Tenpin blocks it. He sends me a wink and I mouth thank you.

The guys pull me up and we get out of there without anyone seeing us. Or so we thought.

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