Chp. 11: The "Date"

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"Boo" I sneak up behind Spot and grab his shoulders. He jumps a bit.

"Got ya"

"Hey" he says as he turns around. He scans me up and down.

"Yous look beautiful" I bury my face. I feel the heat rising up into my cheeks and I don't want him to think I'm blushing.

"Uh thanks. You look beautiful too, er handsome" I mentally facepalm myself. This is so embarrassing.

"You ready ta go?"


We start walking and a little bit after the bridge I get curious.

"So where are we going?"

"Like I told ya, we're going ta hattan" That's what we call Manhattan. It's one of the boroughs near Brooklyn. I've been a few times so I know my way there pretty well.

"So who's the singer we're seeing"

"The Swedish Meadowlark" That sounds familiar but I don't know why. Its not like i've been to Sweden before.

"Sounds like fun" I smile at him and he smiles back. Our hands brush but I don't think anything of it.

"So uh is this a date?" He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. Maybe I shouldn't have asked him that but what Jess said just got to me.

"Uhm" He manages to stutter out.

"It's fine. Whatever it is I'm happy with it."

He smiles at me and I look away.

We arrive at the venue and it says Ivring Hall. In big bold letters above it says "Medda The Swedish Meadowlark At This Theatre Only". No. Way.

"Hey is this Medda Larkson we're goin ta see"

"Guess yous saw the sign eh"

"Yeah. Funny story, my parents are really great friends of hers" His mouth gapes open.

"No way! Thats awesome!"

"I could introduce you if you wanted"

"Yeah but let's do it after the show"

"Sounds good"

We walk in and take our seats after giving them our tickets. We are pretty far back in the rows. I'm usually in the front but I understand how expensive those are. I'm just happy he could take me tonight.

"So Spot how did you pay for these tickets"

The lights start to dim in the theatre.

"It's starting" he says not taking his eyes of the stage.

The show was wonderful. Medda is such a great singer and I haven't seen her in so long. I just hope she remembers me or that's gonna be awkward.

When it ends we head backstage and I see Medda. She has changed into a robe and is putting away her props. I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and looks at me strange. Her eyes light up and she pulls me into a giant hug.

"Oh my Al~"

"Camryn. Remember?" I shoot her a look that just says go with it.

"Yeah of course I remember you Camryn!" She hugs me again then looks behind me.

"Oh and who's your boyfriend over there" She pushes me out of the way a bit and starts walking towards him.

"Not my boyfriend"

"Ma name's Spot" He spits in his hand and she just takes the tip of his fingers and shakes it.

"Whoa yous fancy people get disgusted easily"

Both Medda and I laugh at his comment.

"Why don't you both sit down and we can catch up"

We spend about probably around an hour talking. We talked about how she started the show, how I became a newsie, how my parents are doing and various other things. I could tell it was awkward for Spot but he chimed in when he could.

"Well this was wonderful Medda. It was great catching up"

"Of course dear. Come back soon"

We wave goodbye and Spot and I walk back to Brooklyn in the dark.

God I hate mornings. I walk on to the docks and see some newsies there. I see Sprints talking to Shoots and I go over to them.

"Morning Shoots, morning Sprints" Shoots just nods his head to acknowledge me.

"Hiya Camryn. Whatcha doin today?" Sprints asks.

"Oh I don't know Sprints probably just hangin around"

"Ok see ya later!" Sprints skips away and goes to talk to someone. I see Spot and I wave him over.

"Heya Camryn"

"Hey Spot"

"Thanks for last night Spot. It was amazing" Shoots stares at us. Then points between us.

"Did you guys, ya know, do it?" Spot and Is jaws drop. This may be the most awkward situation I've ever been in.

"Oh my god no, no way"

"Nope definitely not"

"We would never"

"Nah I just took her ta see Medda"

Shoots looks at us and then walks away. I look at Spot and he's looking at me.

"Yous blushing" Not a good time Camryn. I quickly turn away.

"What does that mean?" Sprints looks up at us. He must've come back over at some point.

"Blushing is when your cheeks get red when you're embarrassed" I turn back around to look at the 2 of them.

"Not that. I know what blushing is I'm not an idiot. The other thing. The doing it." Spot and I shoot nervous glances at each other. He stays quiet for a bit so I step in and answer.

"Nothing you need to worry about yet" He shrugs and walks off to join the others. I sigh and Spot looks like he feels the same.


"I'm gonna go" I walk away leaving him on the docks with the other newsies.
I felt bad about the chapter yesterday because it wasn't really like a good chapter that contributed to the story so your welcome, here's another one. I have also been trying to find somewhere to put the end part and i'm so happy I found it. I thought it was really funny but lmk what you guys think.

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