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Hanako's previous façade of pretending to be fine by acting neutral was beginning to fade, like the walls of an ancient building, cracks ravishing throughout the building like a horrible disease. She supposed it was time to change it up, wrap up the wound more and more until even she forgot it was there if it wasn't for the effects.

Now she was smiling forcefully. Saving people required that. So just pretend for now, that would work.

She had been saving childing, a small, unencouraging smile on her face; it was obviously staged by her. I mean, how is she expected to smile fully if the fog was getting so thick that she could barely see her hand in front of her face?

Hanako had heard a child that she was saving mutter something about how she wasn't assuring them enough, and that made her torn between being pissed off, or panicking to fix her mistake. She simply replied with "It'll be fine, okay?" in a somewhat positive tone.

It will be fine. Yeah, she could use that advice for herself.

(It will only ever be 'fine' if she actually gets help, that's what the phrase means.)

Hanako was mainly working alone, her façade could only last against one person at this point. A boom and a crash sounded throughout the arena, thank god Hanako wasn't holding a child or helping anyone, her violent flinch wouldn't have boded well.

She whipped her head towards the source "Villain?" She breathes out, confused. Gang Orca was their leader, so it was at least staged. 

(But that's not what it looked like)

She ran over, even if she sanity begged her otherwise. It was really unwise for her to do so, but some part of her told her that it was a great distraction, and, she didn't feel like placing herself in between a rock and hard place again; like she did whilst rescuing people.

She found herself tying up many of the men with guns that appeared to be Gang Orca's minions, they really weren't that useful if they couldn't use their guns. Fighting Gang Orca himself was mainly Todoroki and that Yoarashi boy from Shiketsu, at least that's what Hanako thought.

It seemed more like that Yoarashi and Todoroki were fighting between themselves. That really pissed Hanako off, why couldn't they just cooperate? Well, no use sulking now because she actually had to fight, something that didn't piss her off.

The fight itself wasn't a failure, but it also wasn't a win. Hanako and ninety-nine others stared intently at the board of names, scanning for their name that would signal their acceptance. The second part to the examination had just completed roughly ten minutes ago. The fight against Gang Orca had gone rather abysmal for some, and for others it was simply annoying to watch two people too caught up in their heads to realise that they were affecting others.

 Hanako had kept to trapping Gang Orca in a binding of webs, all white taking care of the minions of his. Oh and did I mention that Hanako was very close to slapping some sense into the half-and-half boy in her class? Luckily for him, the oak haired girl was more focused on her own endeavours.

Once that... situation was over, everyone had re-dressed back into their school uniforms. Most people looked slightly scruffy, their hair being slightly untamed compared to when they arrived, and a thin sheen of sweat at their hair line.

Mera was going on about "Thank you for your hard work" or something or other, then once the man finally finished the unimportant speech, he pressed a button revealing those who passed. Hanako scanned across the ninety or so names remaining, her eyes never having moved so fast.

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now