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There's a thin line between obliviousness and knowing everything. It sounds obscure, and one may think 'Of course there is a difference', but there's more to it. There's a spectrum of a person who always knows what to do, and what to say. And then there's a person so oblivious that they don't know anything in their life is wrong.

Even if it's crashing down right in front of them. It's almost as if that the dust from the crash has blinded them from what's happening, temporarily that is. The dust will always be whisked away by the wind that passes by.

Leaving the person who was once oblivious, to be a person who knew everything. And that hurts. Hence why a person is always so desperate to know something, whether it be a friend's crush, what they're going to get for a gift on their birthday, or even where they would be going for that surprise mommy and daddy promised.

In Hanako's case, she has been, and still is, behind the line of obliviousness. Though she was somewhat happy about that, because she used to be the person who was always left out of secrets. Though when she found out that they were about her, little Hanako was rather upset.

So she came up with a way to combat that. She would create these worlds in her head, worlds in which nothing bad ever happened, and they would play out like a story; as if she were the author. 

Unfortunately for Hanako, that little habit grew into one that was slightly life-changing, not in a good way. It was her coping mechanism! They can't take that away from her!

The six year old sighed in frustration as she sat in front of the principal once again, it was the third time this week, and the third time ever. It was a Wednesday, and she had begun the habit last Wednesday, when her father was being especially violent, and the kids at school were being especially secretive about stuff that Hanako knew was about her.

She swung her legs as she sat on the chair, her head looking down at her legs. There was a bruise on her shin, around the size of a coin. Nothing big, funny, she'd only just noticed that. It had probably occurred days ago, though she wouldn't know. 

She found out that she couldn't remember much of what actually happened when her dad was mad. 

The principal sighed as she adjusted her glasses on her nose, the woman looking at the younger girl with confusion. She'd been such a good student before, and seeing as it was the girl's first year in elementary school, first impressions were already made. And those were that Hanako was a quiet, yet good and attentive student. She talked to teachers a lot, and those teachers always talked back to the girl. Yet the teachers always noted something, the other kids didn't seem too fond of the girl, almost as if they were avoiding her like a plague.

Why? Was their only question.

And that question was answered rather quickly with a quick interview with one of the other kids. "Is there a reason you and the other children avoid Yamikumo?" 

"Well..... she always seems so tired, and then she's just annoying!" 

"How is she annoying?"

"She just comes up to us and starts talking about whatever! Plus, her dad looks scary."

The teacher looked at the boy closer, and attempted to analyse his features. His features just showed annoyance, and frustration. Still, it appeared that the girl hadn't exactly done anything.

"Don't you think that Yamikumo is just trying to be your friend?"

"I don't want to be friends with her, she's always mean!"

Unseen Realities (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now