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It was safe to say that the area Hanako grew up in (and still lives in) was in no way the fancy part of town, you know, the place with the houses that had two or even three floors. Where Hanako lived was filled with apartments, not that apartments were bad! It's just that the kids around there were..... rough. And to be honest, that may be due to Hanako's influence.

It wouldn't be uncommon to see a six year old telling another child to "Fuck off, y' didn't tag me." or "Y' can piss off if y' gonna cheat.". 

Yeah, that kind of children. It was no doubt that they were what most parents would consider a 'bad influence', and those parents wouldn't be wrong, but those kids were the epitome of fun. Hanako vividly remembers spending hours outside playing with them; in the middle of the road mind you, the park was too far away.

Out of the twenty or so kids, Hanako was one of the five girls. Not many girls wanted to play the games that their group did. Those games were cops and robbers, air gun battles, tag, and if someone had a soccer ball, street soccer; though that was rare, they often got lost or stolen by older kids.

Did I mention the older kids? Yeah well, they weren't part of the group of 20 that Hanako was in, they had their own group. It was just that kids preferred to mingle with people their own age, nothing wrong with that.

Anyways, Hanako would play with these kids because of two main reasons. The first reason was that they were some of the few people who played rough, and to Hanako that was normal. For example, if her group was playing tag, it wouldn't be uncommon to see another child get pushed over when being tagged due to the brute force. After all, violence was normal, right?

The second reason was that Hanako would be out the of house and away from her parents. That's it, though there were other pros about playing with these kids. They would play at anytime of the year, sun, rain, wind, snow, you name it, it didn't matter to them. Plus, even if kids such as that would be seen as delinquents, they were genuinely nice, and most of them were like Hanako. Would insult people. But the best part was that no-one cared about the insults.

In fact, it was a challenge to see how much one could insult another child, and at the end of the day, everyone would laugh it off. She met these kids just after she turned four, and not once had it been awkward. And as it would turn out, she would go to school with them up until high school. 

Even if the teachers seemed like her best-friends, they really weren't. These nineteen other kids were, the only problem was that for her first year in elementary school, she was placed into the 'smart class' which ended up causing her troubles with the principal before she was moved down into class 3 out of 5 (one being the best, five being the worst). Class 3 was much better than 1, she could actually enjoy herself and not feel surrounded by people who knew what they were doing.

Even as they grew older and into their early teens, they would play outside on that infamous road most everyday. And seeing as they all went to the same school, they would do homework together, always complaining "Hanako why couldn't y' have stayed smarter? We need at least one smart person so we don't  repeat the police incident."

The police incident was an incident in which the police had been patrolling the area, they lot of them would have been around seven, and seeing 20 seven year olds, the police asked them what they were doing out there. One person responded "Nothin' you cock" and the thing was that none of them actually knew what the final word meant, only having heard it being said by the older kids.

They all ran away rather quickly after seeing the man's face, their presences being given away by their giggles after Hanako briefly explained what it meant; only knowing because she'd heard one of the older kids actually explain it.

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