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 If someone were to ask her if she'd do it again, she'd say yes. She would tear herself apart because of him over and over again if it meant she could relive the love he gave her, though her life was a slow start of a spiralling tornado. She would relive the broken glass and the heinous sights she was exposed to most everyday, open sweet honey kisses and the tumultuous laughter, she would relive the "I hate you!" and the vociferation about her lack of heroism. Just for the feeling of his love again.

But she was like a book without words when she was around him, a body without a soul. And while she'd be blind to the fact it was better for him to go, the universe would take her blindness and perceive it as a wish, and that fatal wish, would be granted to her. Except, her life wasn't like a fairy-tail. Not everything was happy, rainbows, and princesses; in fact, she was no princess at all. Even if she had a princess dress and a plastic tiara to attempt to prove the point.


Hanako was looking up at All Might, the man was very loud in person. Much like accidentally turning up the volume whilst in a public place. Hanako's current endeavour was trying to spin her pen around her fingers, though unknown to her, the lid was off and the pen was getting all over her hands.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High, think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into today's lesson where we will pull no punches. But one of the keys of being a hero isssss..... looking good! These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms, and a request you sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at training ground Beta." All Might ordered, as he clicked a button on a remote. Then, five rows of four cases came out of the wall, Hanako proceeded to stop twirling the pen around her fingers and look at the phenomena that was that wall. 

"Yamikumo, you have green pen all over your hand." Uraraka commented, forcing Hanako to look down. Except there wasn't pen on her hands.

"No there isn't."

"There is, it's like, everywhere."

"Oh, I understand.. god I can be so stupid." Hanako said with a laugh whilst the girl looked at her with an interested gaze. "I didn't mention it did I? I forget to do things a lot, sorry, I'm colour blind." Hanako continued, not taking note of Uraraka's even more curious gaze as she stood up.

"You're colour blind?"

"Yep! It comes with my quirk." Hanako explained, reaching for her hero suit case. It was evident to Hanako that Uraraka had many unanswered questions now.

"Ooh, I don't know whether to say 'that's cool' or 'oh no'."

"I think it's cool, I can mess with teachers all the time, but it can get really annoying sometimes." Hanako continued, walking to the changing rooms whilst humming. Hanako was so blunt about most things, in most instances, most people wouldn't even want to admit that their quirk caused them a physical problem. Though Hanako isn't most people, and that led to many questions from many people.

Hanako arrived at the changing rooms, and got out her costume. To her, it was lovely shades of grey and black, though to others, it wasn't that. Now, Hanako had never seen colours, so knowing which ones to put together was like going into an exam and then the questions are in a language you don't speak. It was a full body suit that was mainly black, though there were cardinal and royal blue accents, the red in the shape of a spider's web starting on her back though branching out to her chest, and the blue being on the outer side of her legs going down in a stripe as well as being on the outer side of her arms going from her wrist to her shoulder. Hanako's shoes were slightly different however, to put it simply she didn't have any. The material was just stretched out and over her big toe. Hanako was rather pleased with her costume, and even if her feet hurt from standing on raw concrete, it wasn't disabling however; Hanako had survived much worse.

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