"I hate that bitch. She is always making our mate angry." Kira spoke and Ivory agreed to that truth.

"A mother should try to understand their child, not upset and angry him. She isn't a good mother to me." Ivory said.

"That's right. And why doesn't she like us? We never said anything bad to her. She doesn't even know us." Kira huffed, growing distressed.

"I know. Maybe she didn't expect me for a soon. She probably believes that we are stupid because we are younger than our mate." Ivory explained.

"But I still won't like her...ever." Kira huffed. Ivory didn't want to admit it, but she agreed with Kira. She couldn't like her after everything she said to her.

Kira cut of their mind link as Ivory heard the door open. Two young men entered the kitchen, laughing with each other. They both stopped and looked at Ivory surprised.

"Who are you?" The blonde man asked her. She recognized him as Beta Jasper.

"My name is Ivory. I'm Alpha's mate." She said feeling the heat in her cheeks.

"So you are the one Lucy has been bragging about? Wow, you are very pretty." Jasper said looking very amazed.

"Thank you." She shyly responded.

"My turn, as*hole." The brunette shoved Jasper aside making Jasper glare at him.

"I'm Gamma Kyle. Nice to meet you, beautiful." He said, giving her a flirty smile.

"You dumbass. She is Darius's mate. He will beat you up for flirting with her." Jasper warned him and slapped his hand on the back of Kyle's head.

It was a clear difference between the two men. Jasper was maturer and older than Kyle. He was also a best friend with Darius so he knew his boundaries.

Ivory watched the two men interact and she could feel a smile reaching up to her eyes. They looked nice and funny. She had a feeling that she would be comfortable talking with them as friends.

"Sorry about him. He thinks because he is mateless, he can flirt with other chicks." Jasper rolled his eyes at the younger boy.

"I do not think so." Kyle responded, feeling offended.

"What are you making, Ivory?" Jasper said, choosing to ignore Kyle's remark.

"Chocolate chip cookies and strawberry cake." She explained. They both smiled widely and a drool already started to appear.

"I haven't had those cookies in so long." Jasper exclaimed.

"You have them at the store." Kyle retorted.

"I don't have the money."

"You have the money." Kyle smirked. Jasper's eyes widened at Kyle.

"How much did you take?" Jasper asked, ready for a fight. Ivory's look darted between them, ready to separate them if something happens.

"I have just taken back what you took from me." Kyle teased.

"I did not." Jasper said defensively.

"Yes, you did. A hundred bucks." Jasper knew he did take that money from Kyle, but he was too proud to admit it in front of Ivory.

"Whatever. I'm not going to bicker because it's rude in front of our new friend." Jasper said and smiled softly at Ivory who looked dumbfounded in front of the two.

"We need to rest after a long traveling so we are going upstairs now. I'll be back for those cookies tho." Jasper winked as he pulled Kyle towards the stairs.

What an interesting first encounter. Ivory thought as she chuckled to herself. She continued mixing the eggs for the cake. She considered herself a good baker and she hoped to impress Darius. They all say you get to a man's heart through his stomach. And that rule applied to humans and werewolves both.

She poured a nice creamy mixture into the round-shaped baking pan. Putting it in the preheated oven, she moved on the dough for cookies. Her fight with her friend was forgotten as she focused on making sweet pastries.

When she put in all the ingredients, she took a spatula to mix everything. Just by the sweet smell, she knew those are going to be good cookies. She thought about saving some for her uncle. She wanted to visit him as soon as possible. The first days after being separated are difficult, but it gets better. It always gets better with time.

She didn't notice Darius coming down the stairs and immediately setting a foot into the kitchen. He looked at his little mate and felt proud in his chest to have her. She was only his and he was only hers.

"Smells good." He commented, starting to approach her. Her cheek painted pink at how happy it made her feel. Every compliment coming from him made her feel special.

"Thank you. The cake will soon be done. Do you like strawberries?" She asked.

"Yes, I do. Very much." He said, smiling as he could scent his strawberry scented body wash. She turned their bathroom into her little paradise. But he admits that it feels refreshing.

"Perfect then. The cake will be with strawberries." She grinned. He smiled at her cuteness.

He looked at the batch in the bowl and intended to take a piece of dough into his mouth. But Ivory was faster as she slapped his hand with a spatula. He pulled his hand back and cradled it with his other one.

"Your stomach will hurt from the raw dough. Wait patiently until they are baked." She warned him. He nodded like a scolded child.

"It hurts." He complained.

"I haven't even hit you that hard. You're something." Ivory scoffed.

Darius's face set into a frown. He wanted her attention but she was too focused on the cookies. He knew he would enjoy it later but he still wanted her to pay him some attention. Realizing that she wasn't interested, he leaned back and watched her lovely face full of concentration.


That was cute. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Song: gnash (feat. RKCB) - feelings fade

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