Chapter 8: Aftermath of Izuku's Escape

Start from the beginning

As Eraserhead stood there he sighed and turned his quirk on Bakugo who froze. "Give it back..." Bakugo muttered out and Eraserhead told him no since it wasn't healthy on what he was doing. "I NEED TO GET STRONGER... I NEED TO STOP HIM! IT'S MY FAULT!" Bakugo yelled out as a tear went down his face as you could see he had dark bags under his eyes. It was clear he didn't sleep at all last night and his friends were confused on why Izuku Midoriya turning would be his fault. "Ah, this is due to your guilt for what you did? I hold some of the blame since I read everything wrong between you two. I thought it was a strong rivalry but I was wrong... A lot of people hold blame for the path that problem child went down. You hold a lot more but your not the sole person to be blamed for it so you need to rest since I know you been in here since early this morning meaning you never really slept." Eraserhead said confusing the Bakusquad on what the hell he was talking about on how Izuku Midoriya turning was Bakugo's fault in some way.

"If I was just less of a dick he might have not chosen this route! If I could have at least grown the courage to apologize for everything I did to him! Then maybe... maybe he would still be here... he's always been following me around but now...." Bakugo said as he cut himself off and Eraserhead knew a portion of the problem for his student. Izuku Midoriya had always been a constant factor in Katsuki Bakugo's life. No matter how hard Bakugo had tried to push Izuku Midoriya away, he never went away until now. As such, Bakugo didn't know how to deal with the loss of a constant in his life. Eraserhead was sure that deep down under all of the emotions that Bakugo had was some form of respect and desire for friendship with Izuku Midoriya but now it was likely too late. 

"But now he's gone. That is what we need to deal with now as he will be hunted down and brought to justice but this also means you need to face what you have done. Go take a break and come to my office later as I think it's time you tell me every single detail of your crimes. Understood?" Eraserhead said and Bakugo nodded his head as he sat down on the floor and his friends checked on him. Eraserhead waited a bit longer and made eye contact with Kirshimia who looked confused and concerned but Eraserhead said nothing as he walked away.

Bakugo sat there in silence for a while before Kirshimia decided to ask what their teacher and Bakugo were talking about though Bakugo still stayed silent for a while longer. "I was a bully... I was De-Izuku's bully." Bakugo said as he got up and walked away leaving them in shock at what they just heard. Bakugo instead of taking a break just went straight to his teacher's office to let the man know the truth of everything since the man needed to know what happened and Bakugo needed to talk to someone about it.

As this happened, those in 1-A were still coming to terms with everything as well as the dekusquad or what was left of them now were all sitting in the common rooms talking to each other. Todoroki was looking at his hands and felt mixed emotions on Izuku Midoriya as he was Todoroki's first friend in reality and now that said individual was gone. The same individual who helped him use his fireside and overcome his issues.

Uraraka was devested and confused as the person she had become close to was now gone. The same person that saved her in the entrance exam from getting crushed by a robot so she was wondering if what he did was an act now and she couldn't figure it out. Now, Tenya Iida was wondering similar to his friend Uraaka but more in-depth on if Izuku had a hand in providing information about heroes such as his brother or others to villains. Iida was trying to deny everything in his mind due to his interactions with Izuku Midoriya but he didn't know what to do and felt so disgusted with himself for not seeing that his friend was either in trouble or needed help since he believed they could have turned their friend from the path he walked on. Iida couldn't bring himself to hate Izuku Midoriya even if he truly was a villain because of how much Izuku had helped them all since he didn't believe any of that was faked.

Though there was some like Mineta who was denouncing Izuku Midoriya for being a villain and saying that he needed to be locked up quickly. This didn't go over well with really anyone as a lot of them glared at him until someone finally spoke up. This individual was none other than Tsu who told Mineta to shut it. "Shut up Mineta, do remember you and me would be dead if he didn't save us at the U.S.J. with his plans and actions. I refuse to believe he purposefully intended to become a villain but was left with no choice due to life unlike you who actively decides to be a pervert and sexually harass us, females!" Tsu said shutting Mineta up as she had slapped him with her tongue. Mineta walked out of the room in silence and everyone was left back to their individual thoughts after that incident.

Some like Satou and Kouda were making sweets and food for everyone to help them relax as neither were very close to Izuku but still felt affected on his departure from the class. All they could do right now was sit in silence with their thoughts. Though there were others affected such as Inko Midoriya who was sitting in her friend's home, the Bakugo's. Inko went to their home since they didn't want her to be harassed by reporters and they were also the only friends that Inko currently had so they wanted to make sure she was supported. Inko was in tears not because of her son becoming a 'villain' but because she knew there was a high risk of him dying and she hated it but couldn't only hope he would make it back. Though even Kota from the wild, wild pussycat heard of the news, he refused to believe it due to the actions that Izuku had done at the summer camp. Everyone was in complete denial of Izuku Midoriya becoming a villain but there was nothing they could currently do about it.

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