Chapter 28: Well that's new(and a comment from the author)

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"Raon! Wake up!"




"Raon, if you can hear me..."




Hot air rasped through tight lungs. His mind floated, but tight strings kept him near his body. A purple cloud hazed over him when he tried to look at himself, poisonous and thick. She was there, sitting by him, but her eyes were in shadow, spidery lines stretching from her lips to all around. As he tried to watch, dull flames ignited where her eyes should be. Her hands were hovering over his wound, twisting the air around it, growing it.

He lifted an arm, trying to push her away, but her arms were like iron. He pushed harder, but a viselike grip closed around his wrist. Something soft was pressed over his mouth, and the vision faded.


Lilya heaved a breath and collapsed onto the floor, sweat soaking down her back. Morok looked at her, his own chest heaving from the effort of keeping Raon still.

"What is wrong with him?" She felt tears prick her eyes.

"I don't know." Morok said, his voice low. "Poison maybe."

She wiped her hand across her forehead and felt a shudder run up her spine. "He's sleeping now?"

"Yes." Morok sat down next to her. She glanced sideways at him. His jaw was tight. "These symptoms aren't like anything I've seen."

Her hands shook as she pushed up from the floor. Raon's face was tight, every line like a tiny crack, pulling her toward him, begging to be soothed. Her eyes dropped to her wrist. It was swelling, and she could still feel every fingerprint etched in her skin. His strength had become a comfort, but when his hand had closed around her arm she had been terrified.

Morok stood, and a heavy hand rested on her shoulder. "I'll stay here tonight. You..." He hesitated, and I took a guess.

"I'll be in the chair."

He nodded, then pulled back his dark hair and left the room.


In the morning, Raon woke up.

Lilya didn't hear him get up, or leave the room, but a crash jolted her out of the chair. The bed was empty, the door open. She ran out of the room, just in time to see Raon drop an egg into a pan.

He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Morning."

She froze. "Are you alright?"

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be?" He flipped the egg.

Her eyebrows shot up. "Where's Morok?"

Raon shrugged. "Haven't seen him. But..." He went up to her and kissed her carefully. "Why..." He pressed a kiss to her wrist. "Weren't..." her forehead. "You in..." her mouth again. "The bed?"

She grabbed his hands. "You don't remember."

His pale eyebrows twisted up. "What should I remember?"

"Last night? Yesterday morning? You were unconscious the entire day?"

He frowned, and something strange flashed across his face. "What did you say?"


He held up a hand. "Shh."

Lilya bit her lip, then reached for his side. He didn't react when she touched the exact place of his wound. Something like fear clutched at her, and she yanked up his loose shirt.

"What on earth?!" He slapped at her.

But there was no wound. Not even a scar. The skin was smooth.

"Raon. Do you remember getting hurt?"

He frowned. The smell of burnt egg filled the air. "Ye-es." He said slowly. "But I thought it was just a dream."

Lilya grabbed his shoulders. "You were stabbed! A huge piece of metal was just stuck in you, and you don't remember?"

Suddenly his chest heaved, and he grabbed her face with his hands. His eyes were wide. "I need you to help me." He gasped. "They... I can't get them out. My mind-"

His hands tightened on her face, then his eyes closed, and when they opened, the light in them had dimmed. His hands dropped to his sides.

He smiled, and the sight made Lilya's stomach drop to her feet. Then he gasped, doubling over, back heaving. Lilya fell to her knees.

"What's wrong?" SHe grabbed his face, and the pure fear in his eyes struck her like a blow.

"It's gone." He whispered, his voice ragged. He sank down to his knees.

"What?" Lilya demanded.

"I don't know...but it's gone now." The fear had left his eyes a little. He held onto my wrists, so tightly that the new bruises throbbed. She flinched, and he let go quickly.

"Your arms!" He traced a finger down her wrist. "How did this happen?"

Lilya swallowed. "It's alright."

Raon pulled her closer, enfolding her in his arms, but she sensed it wasn't for her.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's alright." She felt tears prick her eyes.

"I won't ever hurt you again." He whispered fiercely.

Lilya slowly pushed away. He blinked quickly, and turned away.

"I'm not sure you can promise that." She whispered, her voice only slightly unsteady, low enough so he couldn't hear.

Hey guys! Nomi here. If you've enjoyed this so far, and want me to finish it, comment on this! This is as far as I've written, but I'll finish it if you guys want to know what happens to Raon and Lilya, and how Isun is finally gonna be back in the book!

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