Chapter Five: Now there's a creep in the castle

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Now for Raön's perspective. He told me all about this.... cheeky bastard.

Prince Raön sat at a long table, surrounded by the royal family and many others, an empty place by his side.

All around the Elves were talking and laughing and drinking, but it was empty noise to him. He looked in their faces, and saw their eyes slide away from him, never fully acknowledging him. He leaned back in his chair. His father had told him that the ruling race of Elves would never view him as an equal, that they would fear him, and that some would hate him. And this afternoon, there had been someone in his room, with good intentions or ill. He pushed the thought back in his mind.

As the silverware clattered around him, and sharp laughter pierced his ears, he looked around the room again. Supper in his kingdom was louder even than this, and far less ceremonious. And the food here was good, no doubt, but did not hold the bite and life that the southern food had. Even the music was decorous. He sighed slightly, and shifted in his chair. Then a flash of gold made him blink.

In the doorway to his left stood Princess Lilya. She took a step forward, dark eyes sweeping the room. When they lit on him, her jaw clenched, but she went forward, and he rose, pulling her chair out. He could feel eyes watching their every move.

"Princess." He murmured.

"Prince." Her tone was brittle. She sat, and he sat beside her. Had she been the intruder that afternoon? And the one in the library? He had the scarf that he had found in his pocket.

"You are stunning tonight, princess." He smiled at her, but her eyes were guarded when she looked at him. Talking and laughter surrounded them like a shield.

"Thank you." She reached out and placed some food on her plate, but didn't eat.

He tilted his head.

She sipped her wine, and he saw her fingers tremble slightly. There was a long scratch across the back of her hand, red against her pale skin. He leaned back a little, and reached into his pocket, pulling out the gold scarf, but keeping it hidden under the table. It complemented his blue jacket, so he carefully wrapped it around his wrist, and tied it, then drew his hand out from under the table. He reached for his glass and took a sip, watching her out of the corner of his eye. Her eyes flashed to his wrist, and she blinked quickly, her breath coming faster.

Ah, so it had been her.

He set the glass down, and kept the wicked glint out of his eye. "How was your afternoon?"

Her back stiffened. "A little different than I expected." She turned a brilliant smile on him, but her eyes cracked with anger. "How was yours?"

He waved his hand. "Nothing out of the ordinary. I had a slight problem finding what I wanted in your library though. I think I might have found it in my room."

He saw her suck in a breath. He glanced around the table, and noticed quite a few watching them out of the corner of their eyes. He leaned forward, and bent to her ear. "I do hope those bushes weren't uncomfortable."

She stood, knocking the chair over behind her with a crash.

The table quieted.

"If you will excuse me." With a swirl of gold, she was gone.


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