Chapter Nineteen: So THAT'S how people get around fast

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They traveled on in the dark. Raön had learned and memorized these tunnels as soon as they had been finished, every twist and turn familiar. They snaked under the mountains, leading for miles to the south. No torches lined the walls, but Raön's sharp eyes could make out the dim shape of Freyja, and Lilya sitting limp in the saddle, as he led him by the reins. Minutes trickled by, then hours. Cold air seeped up from the stone paved ground and chilled their feet.

Finally, Raön could make out the red glow of torchlight in the distance. He heard a rustle, and turned. Lilya, slightly red in the light, was sitting up straight, the whites of her eyes flashing in the dark.

"Where are we?" She whispered.

"In the pass." Raön walked faster, and Freyja trotted to follow.

He could see the guards ahead, each silently watching them approach. They probably heard them coming long ago.

"Hold!" Raön shouted, and ran the rest of the way to the guards. There were about six, dressed in the armor of the Free Elves, eyes glinting through the slits in their helmets. And each held a drawn bow.

A hand touched his shoulder, and he turned to see Lilya holding out something to him. He held out his hand, and felt the familiar weight of his pendant drop in his hand. The necklace. He smiled, and held it up. It glittered in the torchlight.

"I am the Seventh."

Instantly the guards put away their bows and bowed low to the ground.

Raön motioned for them to stop. "We were attacked. I don't think they followed us into the pass."

The head guard stepped forward. "Do you need anything?"

"No." Raön reached out and the guard grasped his forearm. "It's good to see you again, Ydil."

Ydil bowed, and touched his forehead to Raön's hand. "My prince."


Ydil straightened, and Raön looked back at Morok. "We need to go directly to Sjis-rok." He looked back at Ydil. "Maybe I'll see you there, soon."

The guards parted, and Raön led his horse through, with Morok riding behind. They walked on, until the torches faded to blackness behind them.


I gazed into the dark drowsily, trying to see anything. Since they met the guards, they had been walking for hours now. Neither Raön or the other elf had said a word.

I closed my eyes. Didn't make much difference. I opened them again.

The cuts on my arms were stinging like fire. I touched one, and my fingers came away sticky. I grimaced, and pressed my arm to my side, then grimaced again. The cut on my side stung too. Why was I getting hurt so much all of a sudden? My eyelids drooped. I was very done with getting stabbed, slashed, shot at...I drifted off.

I dreamed I stood on a high ridge, the ocean tossing below. Someone stood by me, but every time I turned to look at them, they disappeared. Pretty soon I gave up trying to see them, and turned back to the ocean. Except, it wasn't an ocean anymore. A giant man stood in front of me, a sword held high, and as I watched, he swung the sword down, and the world shattered.


I woke to loud cursing.

For some reason, I wasn't on the horse anymore. Cold stone pressed into my back, cushioned a little by my cloak. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. A dull red light came from my right.

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