We soon arrive at the Shrieking Shack and set up everything we leave Remus to transform and then we burst in as are animagus forms. Just as I expected the wolf was a little on edge but when we lead him outside to run. We were running for a few minutes when something caught our eyes. It was a silver wolf. Could it be the one Remus and Evans saw on patrol. Anyway it approaches us Moony takes note and walks up to I want to say it is a female wolf. Looking at the ear shape. Gonna have to thank professor McGonagall. We meet I look into her eye I swear for the second I knew her like we had known each other my whole life. I guess that the side effect of looking a sliver wolf in the eyes. I snap out of my trance when I hear a growl from Moony, it happened so quick I couldn't stop it he had hit the silver wolf in the arm badly as she runs off limping I could see Prongs look at me and could tell something was up even Wormtail noticed it. Moony was a werewolf yes, but would never do that to another creature it's not in any werewolves nature. Especially since the wolf never attacked him. After we started to head back to the Shack Moony got a little out of control who ever that was or whatever it did it shock his core. He was throwing us against the wall prongs had to pull the bull move and hit him with his antlers. The sun started to come out. Finally. And we left the room letting him transform back into a human. As we enter he was crying we rush up to him in pain he had given us a lot of hits. It was one of the worst moons yet,
"I am so sorry." He was covered in blood and had tears in his eyes. We gave him a small hug as we all were in pain.
"Hey it's okay Remus, but do you remember anything?" I said hoping we didn't have to explain the incident.
"Yes, I do actually. I remember the wolf feeling angry, really angry, and then there was a flash of sliver and that's all I remember." His eyes were full of regret, they looked blocked off and tried. He looked horrible, it hurts me so much to see my friends like this.
"It was the silver wolf, she came up to you and you hit her arm pretty badly." Peter said.
"W-what, how do you know it's a female?" Remus said, my pain only getting worse.
"Well 'member that transfiguration lesson on identification of gender, I used the information from that to figure it out." I smile proudly knowing that I figured it out. I am worth something.
"Perfect, know we can figure out who it is since we know it's a girl and they'll have a cut on there arm." The happiness leaving his face, remember that it was him who will give her that perfect scar.
"Yeah, is it really that important figuring out who she is?" I said giving him a small smile.
"Of course it i-" Remus whined in pain, we got caught up in the conversation we forget where we were.
"Let's talk about this later here Remus drink this; James, Peter wa-" I don't have to ask them to help they already were getting the next potion and bandages ready.
"We know, we know." James said in a taunting tone.

We leave the Shrieking Shack James and Peter supporting Remus, while I carry the potions and other supplies. As we walk to the school we say nothing to each other. Once we arrive at the infirmary and give Remus off to Madame Pomfery. We agreed that I would take the first shift but since he was already awake we took some of the potions and bandages and went back to the dorm. In the dorm room it was a subtle quiet. Peter's light snoring and the early sun coming in through the window. I woke up it was the next morning and we all head down to see Remus. He was doing better but would be ready to leave by lunch so we said our goodbyes. We met up with Evans in the library. We filled her in on last nights events. Well not the whole truth, she doesn't know Remus is a werewolf. So we told her we were out there for a prank and Remus wasn't feeling well. And she believed it,
"So it was true! Well now we can figure out who it is." She looked so happy, compared to the last time we spoke. She has obviously gotten over what happened or is faking it.
"Yeah but what's weird is Remus said they live in parts of France." We were looking up information,
"So what would a silver wolf be doing at Hogwarts?" James said with a very confused look on his face.
"Well it has to be going to school here, Potter." Evans rolls her eyes at James' comment. We talked about this for all of breakfast as well. It's all we can think about.
At lunch we met up with Remus in the great hall and got right back to talking about this whole issue when I go to another roll when my eye catches something.
"Hold that thought, look who just walked in." We all look the where James was pointing.
"No way." Lily was in shock she hasn't seen Rae in the dorms a lot and when she does they don't talk. It's what she told me that night my mother sent me the letter, but she said she's seen her less and less,
"Are we dreaming?" I ask to make sure we aren't, because this is to good to be true. We suspect she has been going to the kitchens get food. She doesn't see us and goes over to Ravenclaw table. But she has more noticeable cuts on her face.
"W-where did those c-c-cuts come from?" Peter ask with a shaky voice.
"Peter I think we know the answer to that." James was right but how I mean, how do we know if it's even true?
"Guys we shouldn't jump to conclusions we should ask her about it." I said in a very serious voice if I do say so myself.
"It makes sense that it's her, she's always going on walks or long runs." Lily has some defeat in her voice.
"Then why would she want to help us catch it?" Remus says it's the first thing he's said through all of this. He looked calm, but I knew he was hurt badly.
"Well..."James gives him that look, of you-know-to-lead-us-in-the-wrong-direction.
"Exactly." Evans agreed, with James, what a shocker, but I didn't mention it.
"I going over there." Remus looked angry, I've only seen him angry a few times, but this was different. It's weird he doesn't talk much about Rae but it seems like that's the only thing on his mind.
"Oh no you are not, did you forgot how we left things of with her and what happened before that." I mean she isn't wrong, it was pretty bad.
"Yeah so" Remus has this look of longing determination. He wants to speak to her, but why this badly, does he really think she's the wolf?
"She needs to come to us" Lily I am assuming also notice's this and is trying to stop him. Ha stop Remus when he's this determined, never.
"What if she doesn't" He had doubt in his a eyes, a painful doubt.
"Then we go to her." I hope she knows she's not making sense. Maybe it's from hanging out with us too much.
"Um" Bloody hell Rae!?
"RAE!!!??" We all said it in unison, it was truly quite shocking.
"Hi I just wanted-" She looked sad... Why?
"What happened you have cuts all over your face" Remus you bloody idiot let her finish, we already know that answer!
"I was angry and was walking right towards the whomping willow." Wait I thought we knew the answer, why's she lying?
"Show us your arm" Remus I hope you won't regret this...
"Wait Remus-" I was cut off by James. He was looking at Rae sternly, scary.
"Remus this isn't the time" He was right, we shouldn't be doing this now.
"No, show us your arm." Here's the same determination again, god what is it with him.
"Remus calm down" Lily it's not going to work this time, this time he's going to get what he wants.
"Fine, I don't know why you want to see it there's nothing there. I don't have a stupid dark mark." Merlin she thought we were asking about that! Talk about a miscommunication.
"So are you not on their side" Remus stopped in his tracks, he was probably regretting acting so mean.
"Heavens no! I was going to the library to apologize to you when they stopped me, they were going to say something but then you guys came along." I guess that sounds okay, like the truth. I hope she isn't lying.
"So then why did you run away, without giving a proper explanation?" Lily said
"Well I got overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, so I ran, like always." She really seemed...broken.
"Yeah it kinda your thing now." Remus let out a small chuckle with that.
"So you're all okay with what's happened?" She had a glimpse of hope in her eyes.
"Yes of course, but you ever do that again I swear Rae I don't know what I am gonna do!" Lily was laughing and so was Rae.
"Okay, okay I won't I promise!" She promises...

Word Count: 2781

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long chapter. Hope you are liking the story so far!

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