Chapter 9

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As the car began to head down the main road, Jess looked in the mirror and saw Izzy chewing on the toy keys that were in the car seat, Jess didn't want Izzy to choke so she decided to order Izzy to put the keys down, she obeyed and put the keys in the other seat next to her and looked in the mirror, she looked really upset. Jess was turning a corner when Izzy began to cry, Jess was worried that something was happening and pulled over, got out and check on Izzy, she looked really upset and reached for Jess and wanted something to eat because she was drooling, Jess went over and grabbed a bottle from the diaper bag and gave it to Izzy. Izzy grabbed and began to drink, Jess shut the back door, sat in the driver's seat shut her door and got back on the road. Izzy finished her bottle and threw it on the ground, Jess got a little upset but knew that Izzy was still in a trance and the plan she had would be a lot bigger so she didn't need to worry about something so small. Jess looked at the signs and found exactly what she was looking for, a mall. Jess pulled into the mall parking lot, found a parking spot and parked the car. She reached over and grabbed the diaper bag and then got out, opened Izzy's door and unbuckled her and carried her over to the trunk, opened the trunk with the button on her keys and sat Izzy down near the tailend. Jess then grabbed the stroller and unfolded it, placed the diaper bag in the pocket and looked at Izzy, she knew that Izzy was not going to like this very much but to her she had no control. So Jess checked Izzy's diaper and found she had wet herself, Jess knew that she would be fine for now. Izzy as then picked up and placed in the stroller, she began to wine when her pacifier was placed in her mouth, she looked really upset, Jess then stopped the stroller bent down to look Izzy in the eyes and whispered into her ear ,

"Don't worry my princess to them you're just a baby, I'm the only who really sees you. Of course if I grant 2 more wishes then we won't need to worry about them making fun or judging you."

That really didn't reassure Izzy, but she was able to relax a little bit. Jess entered the mall and walked towards a map and found where all of the baby stuff was, she headed towards the aisle and began to look up and down for something. She found it right in the baby food, applesauce. Jess grabbed about a 6 packs of 6, placed them in the pocket on the back of the stroller, she kept looking down the aisles to find some beautiful clothing for her little Izzy, she came upon the onesie aisle and found the most amazing onesie a puppy onesie she knew would look adorable on Izzy, she grabbed it and placed in the pocket with the applesauce, she noticed a few other onesie she wanted to see on Izzy, grabbed them and placed them in the pocket. Jess then decided that it was time to get Izzy near a few people, she found a bench near a few stores and sat down. Jess started to tickle Izzy on her stomach, she could hold it in and began to burst into laughter. Izzy's laughter brought the attention of a few people standing nearby, some thought it was adorable, one lady just won't have it, she stomped over to Jess,

" Excuse me, some of us are trying to shop and your little one is causing problems!" The lady shouted

" Oh she is, what kind of problems may I ask?" Jess asked in response

" She is causing a disturbance, her laughter is breaking people's eardrums and you're okay with that."

" No I'm not, may I ask your name?"

" My name is Diana, now will you please shut that thing up."

" I'm sorry Diana but I'll be doing no such thing. My little Izzy isn't causing anyone problems except for you, see your problem is that you don't care about other people's feelings and demand that everyone respect you and your wishes, I will not allow it. My baby girl is everything to me if you have a problem with how I raise my daughter then kindly give me advice not shout your opinion out loud and claim it as facts alright?"

" Excuse ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A security office stated

" Oh thank goodness you got what you deserve, disrespectful witch, I'm your elder you treat me with respect.' Diana stated

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