Chapter 7

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Izzy soon began to stir, she woke from her nap with energy like no other. As she bounced around waiting for her mommy, she had an amazing dream of going outside and playing in the rain, getting to bounce in puddles and have the raindrops hit her face. She then realized that she had wet herself, she began to cry as most infants do then they need a change, Jess walked in and knew right away what made her little angel upset. She quickly changed Izzy out of the messy diaper and into a new one, but instead of putting a onesie on her, Jess decided to leave Izzy in just a diaper for now. Jess sat down on the rocking chair and began to feed Izzy her afternoon snack, of course Izzy was really hungry and didn't want to let go until her tummy was full, so Jess let her keep sucking. After Izzy's tummy was full, Jess carried her downstairs and placed her into the playpen and headed to the kitchen. Izzy began to play with her toys, as time passed she got really bored and dreamed of going outside more than anything in the world. She started to throw her toys to get Jess' attention, but it didn't work, Izzy knew it was going to be hard, she tried her best getting out of the playpen, no matter what she did she couldn't get out.

" Stoopid bar thingy, I want out, I want mommy!"

Izzy tried and tried everything to get out and find her mommy but not one thing worked. Jess entered the living room to find toys everywhere and Izzy looked really upset.

" Is something the matter my little one?"

" Mommy I bored. Can I go outside? I want to go outside!"

" Alright relax sweetheart, we can go outside."


Jess picked up Izzy and headed towards the backdoor near Jess' office. Jess opened the sliding door and walked out onto the patio, set Izzy down and headed towards a hammock near the door. Izzy crawled out and saw the magnificent jungle gym. She was so excited, she quickly crawled over to the stair and made it to the top, and noticed something rather amazing, a mud puddle. However, she knew that her mommy would be upset if she saw what Izzy wanted to do. Izzy slowly headed into the slide and hid there, Jess not realizing decided that Izzy was fine on her own for a few minutes, she got up and went back inside to get some water for the both of them. At the sound of the door shutting, Izzy headed down the slide and landed butt first into the puddle, she began to splash around and grab handfuls of mud and smear them all over her naked body, she then had an amazing idea, she grabbed two handfuls of mud and smushed them into her diaper as she began to do it many times her diaper look like it was ready to exploded. Knowing that the puddle was out of her mommy's sight Izzy slowly crawled over to the end of the slide and looked out to see if her mommy was anywhere, she didn't see her or hear her mommy. So she began to fill her diaper even more until she realized she just wet herself. Now the color of the diaper had completely changed into a brown yellowly color, Izzy sat there in pure happiness as she began to bounce up and down spreading the mud all over her now the once clean Izzy was now covered in mud. She knew her mommy would be very upset, so Izzy prepared for the worst. Izzy stood in the mud for what seemed like forever until she heard the sliding door open and close, Izzy then crawled up the slide with her diaper weighted down due to all of the mud and pee she put into it. She barely made it up the slide when Jess began to call her name, Izzy just sat there waiting for her mommy to notice her, and Jess did but with an interesting look on her face. Izzy then realized that the sun was setting so Jess could barely see Izzy all the way up at the top of the gym.

" Izzy baby, mommy wants you to come down please."

" I coming mommy."

Izzy crawled over to a bright pink slide that lead down to where Jess stood, Izzy looked at her diaper and knew it would be a bad idea to go down and make a huge mess on the slide, so she crawled down the steps and made it to the bottom. Jess quickly walked over a saw the mess that was Izzy.

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