Chapter 6

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As Izzy was fast asleep, Jess was taking a bath. As she got dressed she was looking in the mirror fixing her hair, she dropped her hair brush and went down to pick it up.

" So how does it feel, my young apprentice?" A mysterious voice asked

Jess looked around and couldn't find anyway someone was inside the house that was until she looked into the mirror and realized she was probably just hearing things.

" I'm probably tired just relax Jess and head to bed, you're probably just hearing things." Jess stated

" Oh you're not hearing things my beautiful counterpart." the voice stated as Jess looked back into the mirror she saw the image talk and shuttered back frightened

" Who are you?"

" Oh come now I've been in your head for 10 years surely you recognized who or what I am."

"It.. can't be, Jessica?"

" Oh when little Izzy made that wish I now have some freedoms and can do a few new things, but I'll hold off on that."

" Okay... but then I still have power right you aren't going to hurt my little girl."

" Oh I wouldn't dream of it, she's my little girl too, I'll have my fun with her when I get my chance."

" If you hurt her I'll-"

"You'll do nothing not when I'm the reason you have your wish granting power in the first place."

"Okay... Then can you promise you won't hurt her even when she breaks a rule please."

" Fine but if she breaks rule number 12, then you have to agree she deserves to be punished."

" Alright, IF she breaks that rule which I highly doubt that she will."

" If you say so, you know it was nice talking to you, see you around."

With that Jess' image on the mirror went back to normal, as Jess breathed, she knew she would have to explain rule 12, but she ran into a roadblock with the tape that Izzy was listening to, she'd be stuck in her little space for most of the day. As Jess layed down and went to sleep, she needed a way to get Izzy out of her little space fast and explain what rule 12 was and to make sure she didn't break it.

The sun rose at 5:40, the light began to hit inside of Jess' room, she began to stir. As she got up and headed downstairs, she was making breakfast, she heard crying, she headed back upstairs and opened the nursery door and saw her little angel. She lowered the crib bars picked Izzy up and changed her and sat down on the rocking chair and feed her, as Izzy finished Jess carried her downstairs and sat her in the high chair and began feeding her applesauce as Izzy was grabbing handfuls of applesauce and was making a huge mess all over the place. Jess was smiling and laughing as she tried to get Izzy to calm down and eat slow. Soon the entire high chair was a mess and Jess picked up Izzy up and headed towards the bathroom, undressed Izzy and sat her down in the tube and told her to stay, she left the bathroom and cleaned up the mess it took around 6 minutes. She headed back to the bathroom and found Izzy hiding behind the show curtain. After having an amazing time in the bath Izzy was cleaned up and changed into a pink onesie and wore a fluffy blue diaper. She was placed in her playpen in the living room. Jess looked at Izzy and knew with everything that had happened it was going to be a lot harder to get her out of her space, but she needed to try.

" Hey baby girl, Mommy needs to talk with you."

" Hi mommy I make fun."

" Izzy, I need to talk to talk to big you."

The Wish and WitchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin