𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸: 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙

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♬ Author's POV ♬

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Author's POV

       YOU TOSSED A can of bacon soup away, which made it fall onto the ground, causing a small 'clunk' noise. You had gotten sick of its taste the second time you tried it and desperately wanted to forget the taste.

You were currently in an unknown music area. You guessed it was where they composed and created the music and lyrics for the show.

Many music notes and instruments were scattered throughout the place, which you may or may not have played with. You also found some random writings from the workers talking about this place and Joey Drew—your grandpa's old friend.

As you read some more papers, you discovered a person who used to work here. He was quite interesting. Sammy Lawrence, the man who wrote and directed the songs and music.

He didn't seem fond of Joey Drew, or most people in fact. He had talked about his office and how he worshipped something...you found it strange and wondered what it was he was praying for.

So here you are now, in a random office throwing bacon soup away. You didn't know how long you had been here but it's definitely been a day and you were tired.

"Gramps, what if I never find you...never mind that. I will!" You said with a bright smile.

You stepped out of the office with a new mood. You were more than determined to find your grandfather!


Bendy slumped through the empty halls. He couldn't find anybody to entertain him with their screaming or running. They all seemed to be hiding from him these days.

Well...except for one. That one weird guy who wore a mask and offered him things. But that's besides the point. He was bored and trying to find something that would keep him interested.

He then remembered somebody—you. His grin that was always on his face grew just a bit bigger. He found you very interesting and wanted to see how you were struggling, he thought it was just a bit funny.

Bendy then touched some ink that was dripping down the wall. He started walking through the walls and listened for your footsteps or voice.

After a while, he heard you walking and jumped out of the wall only to find that he was in a room above the band area.

He loomed over the window and spotted your [h/l] [h/c] hair. As he noticed what you were doing, he released a very low chuckle. He was right, you were very interesting.

You were currently picking up and placing cardboard cutouts of Bendy in the seats of the band members. You did this because you thought it was funny, which it was not only to you but to Bendy as well.

After you were done, you stood proudly and then laughed. It was a very silly scene.

But you soon stopped your laughter when you noticed the room getting slightly darker and ink dripping everywhere. You began looking around for the source of the odd occurrence.

Bendy of course noticed, and quickly fled the area. He didn't want you to see him just yet.

"Huh, and now it's like how it was before. I wonder what it is..." You pondered.

You shook your head and then walked into an office that supposedly belonged to that Sammy guy you read about. There wasn't much in there so you didn't stay in there for long.

You trotted out into a hallway which had a bunch of random ink puddles. You gazed at the puddles, something about them made you weary. You held your axe that you kept with you close, and then just like that, the puddles started to move.

Some kind of ink figures emerged from the ink and crawled towards you. You didn't have time to react to the figure before your body started going towards it.

You swung your axe and cut the figure which turned back to ink. "That was weird." You now had new knowledge and avoided ink puddles, wanting that whole situation never to happen again.

You were a bit shaken up though and felt a little nervous. Who knew what would happen if they actually touched you or tried to kill you. Would you turn to ink and be like them or simply die?

You quickly got out of your thoughts as you heard a voice.

"Looks like a new sheep arrived..." The voice said from behind you.

You gasped and tried to turn around before getting hit on the head with something. You were knocked out and were being dragged away.




Your eyes fluttered open. You tried to move but couldn't. You looked down to see some rope tied around you and a chair. You then glanced around the area, you spotted your axe in the far distance and a figure in front of you.

You looked at him. It was an inky man wearing a slightly broken bendy mask and overalls. Your eyes widened, you had no idea what the hell was happening.

"Hello little sheep. I'm so glad I found you. It was really difficult to find another sacrifice after that old man got away. It seems Bendy wasn't satisfied with that one. But now I have you." The man said.

You perked up. 'Old man' was he talking about Henry?

"Wait! You said old man right? Was his name Henry by any chance?" You asked, simply ignoring the fact that he was gonna sacrifice you.

The man nodded. "Yes, sadly he's still alive...anyways, let's get you to sleep sheep."

Then the man walked away into a room. He was talking through an intercom and going on about sheep and sleeping.

You rolled your eyes, you didn't have time for this. But your plan of escaping was quickly changed when ink appeared on the walls again. Something big was coming and you could tell by its heavy footsteps.

They seemed to get louder. The ink man came out and preached. "Oh our savior Bendy! He finally arrived! Please take this girl as our sacrifice!"

Then the man was shoved away by something. Next thing you knew, you were face to face with the ink demon himself—Bendy.


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