Chapter 15

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Henry waited forever it seemed like just waiting for the ambulance to arrive to take Evie to the hospital. With how much blood that surrounded her, Henry knew it wasn't looking good for her.

Hot tears were rolling down his cheeks as he looked down at his unconscious wife. He couldn't lose her, he just couldn't, he would never be able to move on if he did. He couldn't take care of Ember without her, he needed Evie. And as he continued to think, he could Ember screaming from the nursery, Henry glanced down at Evie, he knew he needed to go get Ember but he didn't want to leave Evie either.

But without another thought he heard a groan come from across the room. Henry turned his head towards where it came from, and he saw Mal holding her head as she slowly sat up. "Mal! Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I think so. Where's the hoodie guy?! I'll kill him!" Mal yelled out as she started looking around to see if she could spot any sign of them.

"He's gone, Mal. He's going to prison. But right now we have bigger problems to deal with." He told her.

"Like what? And why is Ember screaming, and why aren't you getting her?" Mal kept firing questions at him.

"I need to get her, but I can't leave Evie."

Mal was going to ask about Evie, but she let out a gasp when she walked over to Henry seeing him holding onto an unconscious Evie who was bleeding out everywhere, making her cover her mouth with her hand in shock. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She screamed as she got down on her knees beside her. Henry quickly explained everything that had happened, and Mal just listened to his every word in shock and anger. "So it was Hank this whole time? How could I have been so stupid?! I let Evie go and hang out with him, why didn't I realize it sooner?!"

"Don't be like that, Mal. Even I didn't know it and he's my brother!" He said.

Mal hung her head down as she began to let her tears fall. "I failed so many times. I was unable to protect her when she needed me the most." She said.

Henry put his hand to her shoulder as he gave her a reassuring smile, just as sirens could be heard outside. Henry was about to pick Evie up and rush her out to the ambulance, but he remembered about Ember when he heard her cries still coming from the nursery. "What should I do about Ember? I don't know if I can take her with me?"

"I'll get her and meet you at the hospital in a bit." Mal told him.

Henry gave her a quick hug before he picked Evie up in his arms and took her out to the ambulance as the EMT's laid her on the stretcher and put an oxygen mask on her and examined her wound, while rushing her to the hospital. Henry felt so helpless, all he could do was hope and pray that Evie would be alright.


As soon as they arrived at the hospital the EMT's rushed Evie inside so they could take her into surgery right away. Henry tried to follow, but he was stopped by the nurses who told him he had to wait in the waiting area.

Henry was so worried about Evie, he wished there was something he could do to possibly help her somehow, but there wasn't really anything he could do. He paced back and forth in the waiting area endlessly as he was just too worried to sit around and wait for hours.

But after waiting for almost an hour, he saw Mal enter the hospital carrying Ember's car seat. So Henry went over to her and took the car seat from her as he set it on a chair before getting his daughter out. He held her in his arms as he tried to keep his tears at bay. He knew he needed to be strong, Evie had told him she wanted him to take care of her no matter what happened, and he was determined to keep that promise he made her.

"So is there any word on how Evie's doing?" Mal asked him as she sat down right next to him.

"All I know right now is that she's in surgery. I don't know how long it's gonna be, but it could be awhile before we hear anything." He replied as he rocked Ember gently as she began to fuss.

"Here, she might be hungry." Mal told him as she handed him a bottle.

Henry gave her a small smile as he took the bottle from her and gave it to Ember, who started sucking on it and calmed down immediately. He watched Ember contentedly suck on her bottle as he he continued to try and hold back his tears.

Mal smiled sympathetically at him as she rubbed his shoulder. "You know you don't have to hold your tears back, right? I know exactly how your feeling, Evie means a lot to me too." She said to him.

"Yeah, I'm just so afraid I'm gonna lose her. I don't know how I could handle being a single parent, I need her. She's my everything, and Ember needs her too, she needs her mother in her life." Henry replied.

Mal nodded sadly as she glanced down at Ember in his arms. "Nobody's gonna lose Evie. She's gonna be fine, I know it! Evie is one of the strongest people I know, and she's not gonna go down without a fight." Mal told him.

"Yeah, you're right." Henry said knowing that Mal was right. Evie was strong, she could fight through this, she would be alright.

Hours passed and there was still no word on Evie, and Henry was getting more and more worried with every minute that passed without a single word from the doctor. Henry was back to pacing again with a sleeping Ember in his arms, Mal was asleep too as she laid across the chairs. Henry turned his head over to the receptionist desk, and saw their doctor talking to one of the nurses before she began walking towards him.

"Mr. Weber," She started as she motioned for him to follow her down the hallway.

"How is she? How is Evie? Is she gonna be alright?" Henry began asking her questions.

The doctor sighed as she glanced behind her shoulder really quick before looking back at Henry with a sad look in her eyes. "I have to be honest with you. But Evie...she lost a lot of blood, we've done everything that we can, but there is nothing more that we can do for her. We're not completely sure that we're gonna lose her, but we also don't know for sure that she's gonna be okay. So for right now, we have to wait."

Henry swore his heart stopped beating as he heard the doctor say those words to him. The words that he did not want to hear, to hear that his wife was dying, and she might not make it. He shook his head in disbelief as he asked the doctor to lead him to Evie's room. She then nodded and led him to her, but Henry wasn't sure of how he would react when he saw Evie's lifeless body on that bed, and in no way was he prepared for it either.

A/N: Ok so I'm back from my writing break. I knew it had been awhile since I updated this and some people had been wanting me to write this chapter so I went ahead and write this. I hope it was good, cause I'm not sure how I feel about it😅 but please let me know what you thought! Until the next chapter!!!

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