Chapter 13

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"I can't believe Henry would do something like that!" Mal exclaimed as Evie had finished telling her about what Henry did at the hotel.

"I can't believe it either. I just don't understand why. Was I not good enough for him? Is he falling out of love with me?" Evie asked as tears began to form in her eyes.

Mal quickly pulled Evie in for a hug, rubbing her back reassuringly. "I'm sure that there's an explanation for it, E. Henry would never just do that to you without a reason."

"Maybe I should talk to him again." Evie said to her as she reached over to the coffee table to get her phone.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mal asked her as she held onto her wrist stopping her from calling Henry.

"Yes. As much as he hurt me, he's still my husband and I still love him. Maybe I should just try to hear him out." Evie replied.

Mal nodded in understanding as she let go of Evie and let her call her husband. Evie then quickly pressed Henry's name as her phone began ringing, calling Henry's phone. But Henry never answered her. "I guess he doesn't want to speak to me." Evie stated sadly as she hung up the phone.

"It's okay, Eve. Just give him a few hours."

Evie nodded in response. She was so glad to have Mal by her side, she didn't know what she would do without her, especially in that moment. After waiting a couple of hours, and Mal and Evie spent that time just talking and watching a few things on tv while taking care of Ember, Evie decided to try and call Henry again. But once again, it went straight to voicemail.

"He still won't answer." Evie said.

"I could try to call him to see if he would answer me." Mal suggested to her as she bounced Ember a little on her lap.

Evie nodded her head as she didn't want to start sobbing as she spoke. Mal then got out her phone as she gave Ember back to Evie, and she called Henry. But he still didn't answer. Mal hung up and looked at Evie sympathetically. "I'm sorry, E. He didn't answer."

"Ok, I want to talk to him. But if he won't answer my phone calls, I'll just go to him in person. I'm going back to the hotel." Evie said as she stood up from the couch. "Can you stay here and watch Ember for me? I really don't want to take her with me."

"Yeah, of course! I hope everything goes good for you, Eve. If you need anything, call me." Mal told her.

Evie smiled at her. "Thanks M. I will." She replied softly as she grabbed her car keys and walked out the door.

And as she drove back to the hotel, she couldn't help but be nervous about what Henry might act like around her. Would he be mad at her? She wouldn't blame him, after how she just left him there without giving him a chance to explain himself. She regretted her actions, and was just hoping that maybe he would forgive her.

However, when she arrived at the hotel she saw that a ton of police had surrounded the entrance, and there was a bunch of crime scene tape everywhere. So she parked her vehicle and went to see what was going on.

"Hey, hey ma'am! You're gonna need to go back to your car, we're not letting anyone in here right now." An officer told her as he blocked her from going inside.

"Why? What's going on?" She asked him.

"A woman, the receptionist here, was found dead last night, after being shot. We don't know by who, so you need to leave." He told her.

"But you don't understand, I need in there to go find my husband." Evie tried telling him.

"I'm sorry, ma'am but I can't let you in there. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

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