Chapter 14

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Evie was pacing back and forth in the living room as she was growing more and more concerned about Henry. She still had no clue where he could possibly be, and she was beginning to worry that she might never see him again.

"Ok, she's back to sleep." Mal said to Evie as she came back down from upstairs after laying Ember in her crib.

"Thanks Mal." Evie said while continuing to pace.

"E, you need to relax. I'm sure Henry's fine." Mal tried to calm her somehow.

"I don't know that for sure. Mal, there was blood on the sheets so he's obviously hurt! What if I never see him again?" Evie asked, tears evident in her voice.

"Evie, if there is anything that I know about Henry, it's that he is the strongest person I know. He will come back to you. I know it."

Evie nodded, but she didn't stop pacing, for she was just too worried about her husband. But she was soon stopped, by her doorbell ringing. She looked over at Mal as they made eye contact. Mal nodded as a gesture for her to go ahead and open it, and so that's exactly what she did.

But when she opened that door, her eyes widened as her heart started beating rapidly at the sight of the hooded person right outside her door. She tried closing it, but they stick their foot in the doorway, stopping her from doing so.

"Not so fast, Evie." They said as they opened the door all the way and let themselves inside.

"GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Mal screamed at the person in the hoodie as she tried to attack them, but they saw her coming a mile away and punched her back as she hit her head against the wall, knocking her out cold.

Evie was looking at the hoodie person with a look of horror as she tried stepping away from them. "What do you want?" She asked them in a shaky voice.

"I want you. I've always wanted you." They said to her as they began to step closer to her. "Since the day that I met you, I have been in love with you, and I thought that we would always be together, but then you went for Henry. Why?! Why did you fall for him?! You loved me!"

"I don't even know who you are! But I can promise that I never loved anybody before Henry, he was my first love, from the moment that I saw him." Evie told whoever was under the hoodie. "But do you really think, that I would ever fall for you after the way that you've been threatening us? How stupid are you!?"

"I love you, Evie. Why can't you just love me back? We can run away together, forget about Henry, everybody." They said.

"How could I even think about running away with someone that I don't even know? I have a baby girl who needs me, who needs her father, and I'm not going to ruin that. So you need to get rid of your feelings for me, because I will never love anybody else." Evie told them.

The hooded person grabbed Evie by her arms and pulled her closer to them. "You can't say that! I know you love me!" They yelled.

"How?! I don't even know who you are!"

"You wanna know?! YOU WANNA KNOW WHO I AM?!" They screamed in her face.

"Yes! Yes, I do!" Evie yelled back.

The hooded person then let go of Evie as they went to pull of their gas mask, and set it down on the couch. Then they brought their hands up to the hood and pulled it back, revealing their face to Evie.

Evie gasped in absolute shock as she saw who it was in front of her. "You. It's been you this whole time?" She whispered to him. "Hank, you of all people. We trusted you! We let you in this house, and all this was you who was threatening us."

My Little Angel 2: The Dark AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz