Chapter 2

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Ben once again had wanted to talk to the vk's again in his office. So that's where they all were. "Thank you all so much for coming." He said to them. "Well, I have decided that I am going to bring over more vk's off the isle. And I once again want to know if the four vk's I have chosen are okay to bring over."

"Well then, who are they?" Evie asked as she rocked a sleeping Ember in her carseat right next to her seat.

"Well, I have chosen Harriet Hook, Claudine Frollo, Seth son of Shan Yu, and Mad Maddy, granddaughter of Madame Mim. Now, they're ok, right?" He asked them.

Mal bit her lip as she thought of the vk's Ben had just chosen. "I think they're mostly okay. Seth, he likes to make threats but he never acts on them. Claudine, she's quiet and can be a little violent at times but other than that, she's okay. Harriet, we're definitely going to have to keep an eye on her. If you thought Harry was bad, Harriet's worse. Mad Maddy, she can be a bit crazy, I kind of know her, we used to be pretty good friends when we were little but as we grew up we kind of drifted apart, but yeah, other than her craziness, she's completely harmless." Mal told him.

Ben nodded taking in that information. "Ok, then we're good to bring them over?" He asked. The five vk's glanced at each other before they all nodded back at Ben. "Ok good, I'll bring them over next week."


A week had passed, and the four new vk's were arriving in Auradon. The core 4 and their families were there to welcome the arrivals as they stepped out of the limo. They all just kind of stood there staring hard at the core 4.

"Welcome to Auradon! I'm King Ben." Ben greeted them. "Here with me is Ma-"

"We know who they are!" Harriet said interrupting the king from finishing.

"Oh, right, of course. Well then, if you will follow me, I will show you all to your rooms in the castle." Ben said heading inside.

"Wait a minute! Did you just say castle? We're gonna live in a real castle?" Seth asked.

"Yes, for as long as you'd like." Ben replied.

"Sweet! By all means, let's go!" He said excitedly.

As Harriet followed the king and the rest of the vk's inside the castle, she stopped as she passed by Evie who was holding a sleeping baby. She scoffed as she looked at her. "Looks like you've been busy." She said. Evie looked cautiously at the pirate as she turned Ember away from her. Henry then stood protectively in front of Evie and Ember. "Hey stranger. So are you a bodyguard now? I find that even more attractive."

Harriet and Henry had used to "date" back on the isle before he had met Evie. And then when he realized that he loved Evie, he ended things between them which had made Harriet very upset and almost try to kill Evie. "Stay away from Evie." He warned.

"Or what?" Harriet asked with a confident smirk on her face as she stepped closer to Henry.

"You don't want to find out."

"Oh I do." Harriet replie as she stepped even closer to him, putting her jeans against his chest.

Henry backed away from her, throwing her hand off of him. "Harriet just go already." He told her.

"Fine. But trust me when I say that this isn't the last time I'll see you. I'll be back." Harriet said before going inside the castle.

"Let's go." Henry told Evie as they headed to their car, going back home. "Are you okay?"

Evie nodded. "I'm fine. But I do not like the way that Harriet looked at Ember. I thought that she was going to try to do something." She said. "Why does everybody want to go after Ember? It's like I can't even keep her safe."

"Hey. Was Ember hurt?" Evie shook her head. "Then she's safe. No one is ever going to hurt Ember again, ok?"

"Yeah, you're right. It's just, ever since Ginny kidnapped her and gave her to my mother, I've just been worried that someone might try to do it again." Evie said.

"Even if they do, the house is secure. We've got alarm systems all over the house, cameras that will let us know if anybody gets in the house, and alarms if anybody tries to get through a window or any of the doors. No one is gonna get Ember, I promise." He said.

Evie nodded as she held his hand. "Yeah, everything will be fine." She said.

"That's my girl." Henry smiled at her kissing the back of her hand and rubbing his thumb gently across his it.


A few more days had passed since the four new vk's had arrived in Auradon. And while Henry was away at work, Mal had gone over to Evie's house to spend the day with her.

"She seriously said that?" Mal asked Evie in shock as she had told her about what happened with Harriet.

"Yeah, she did." Evie replied. "But I was thinking, that I can throw a party here for the three new vk girls and get to know them more!"

Mal stood there gaping at Evie speechless at at what she just said. "E, you can't be serious. I know you can be crazy at times, but this is just crazy! You're really gonna invite them into your own home?!" Mal asked.

"Yes! I decided that I'm not just going to jump to conclusions about people and get to know them first, so I'm doing this for them." Evie told her.

"I'm just not so sure about this. Do you really want to do this?" Mal asked.

"Yes, Mal! I do! We can invite over all the girls like Audrey, Lonnie, Jane, Ally, Jordan, and Whitney!" Evie said.

"But Evie, Whitney hates you!" Mal reminded her.

"I know! But if she comes, it'll give us a chance to bond over the things that we have in common!" Evie said.

"What do you have in common that you could even possibly bond over?"

"I..don't know. But we could find out! You know what? I'll go and invite her personally. We'll have the party this Saturday!" Evie said putting it in her calender.

Mal still wasn't sure if Evie throwing a party was a good idea, but who knew? Maybe Evie would prove her wrong. After all, what could go wrong with just having a friendly little party?

A/N: Well? What do you think so far? Please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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