Chapter 7

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After their second encounter with the hooded figure, Evie was absolutely terrified of every little thing. Everytime the doorbell rang, or someone knocked on the door, she would freak out, or if there was some kind of noise somewhere in the house or outside. She hated that she was so jumpy and scared of everything, but she didn't know who that was under the hoodie, and it scared her even more because they had said they were someone that she knew. But who could they possibly be?

Mal was once again with Evie while Henry was at work so Evie wasn't alone, and in case the hooded figure decided to come back, Mal would be there to protect Evie and Ember. Mal came down the stairs from checking some things to make sure the house was still secure making Evie jump slightly as the sudden noise had startled her.

"Are you sure you're okay, E?" Mal asked her carefully, slowly sitting down next to her.

"No. I'm not. I will never be okay until that person is caught and can no longer threaten us." Evie told her.

Mal smiled sadly at her best friend as she hugged her side and rubbed her arm. She felt so horrible for her best friend and her family. "I know. But Evie, we're gonna find out who it is, and when we do they are going to be punished to no end. You can count on that." She assured her..

Evie gave her a small smile as she leaned against her. "Thanks M. You always know just what to say. You truly are my best friend."

Mal smiled back, and just as she opened her mouth to speak a knock was heard at the front door. "I'll get that." She said as she then got up to go and answer it. And when she opened it, she saw it was Hank, Henry's brother.

"Oh hey Mal!" He greeted her.

"Hank! What are you doing here?" Mal asked him.

"I heard about what happened with the break in, I came to see if there was anything I could do." Hank told her.

Evie, hearing her brother-in-law's voice stood up to go and hug him. "It's good to see you Hank." She said to him. "Come on in."

"I take it, Henry's still at work?" Hank asked as he sat down on the chair across from the couch Mal and Evie were sitting on.

"Yeah, he is. I wish he was here though." Evie said staring at the white rug on the floor.

Hank nodded his head slowly. "What about my little niece? Where is she?" He asked.

"She's in her swing over there, taking a little nap." Evie replied pointing over at the swing that was by the stairs swinging the sleeping little girl gently.

Hank smiled at the adorable sight of the baby sleeping peacefully. "Hey Eve, you've been spending a lot of time in this house for the past...ever it seems like! Why don't we go out and take Ember on a little walk to let her get some fresh air?" Hank suggested.

"I don't know, Hank. I mean, she's still sleeping and..."

"Come on Evie, it would be good for both you and Ember. You could use a little fresh air as well."

"Evie, Hank's right. You and Ember could both use some fresh air. I think it's a good idea." Mal said to her.

Evie sighed before she nodded. "Ok, I guess going for a little walk couldn't hurt. Just let me get Ember's stroller out first." Evie then got up and went up the stairs to go get the baby stroller. Then when she brought it down, she asked Hank to set it up for her.

Evie slowly and gently picked up a sleeping Ember and bounced her as she waited for Hank to finish before she placed Ember in the stroller. She saw Ember open her blue eyes as she began moving when they walked out the door. "Hi sweetie! I see you woke up." Evie said smiling at her daughter who smiled right back at her when she saw her mommy.

"Hey Ember! Look, it's your uncle Hank." Hank said as he looked down at his niece.

Ember started kicking her legs at the sight of her uncle. "Hey, that's not fair! She can't have favorites. Ember, what about your aunt Mal?" Mal asked playfully as Evie shook her head at her. Ember looked over at her aunt and smiled at the sight of her while still kicking her legs excitedly while make the cutest little noises at her. "And I think we have a winner."

Hank couldn't help but laugh as he knew there was no way Ember had favorites, she loved them all the same. At least, that's what he hoped was the case. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, plum." Hank told her playfully.

"You better watch it, Weber. You're on thin ice." Mal warned him with a playful look in her eye as she absolutely hated when anybody called her plum.

Hank raised his hands up in surrender. "Ok you two, settle down." Evie said as they continued walking.

"Hey, we are settled down. We're just playing." Hank replied. Evie laughed slightly as she looked back down at Ember who was sucking on as many of her little fingers as she could fit in her tiny mouth. "Hey, there's a smile!" He wrapped his around her shoulders and pulled her against him for a little side hug. "So how are you really doing?"

"I'm doing as well as I can. I mean, I'm just so terrified of that person in the hoodie coming back. I'm just afraid that they're after Ember. I can't go through this again."

"They're not after Ember." Hank told her. "I'm sure of it. If they were after Ember, wouldn't they have tried to leave with her?"

"Henry didn't give them a chance. He wouldn't have let it happen. But I don't know what else they would be after and threaten us for  it." Evie told him. Hank looked like he wanted to say something else, but he closed his mouth and just continued walking along beside Evie. "Are you okay, Hank?"

"Yeah! I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked her.

"I don't know, it's just it looked like you were about to say something."

"No. I'm fine, don't worry about me." Hank replied.

Evie couldn't help but feel as if Hank really was going to say something else. What was he trying to say? But if it was really important, she was sure he would have just told her. "Well, I think it's time we headed back to the house." She said.

"I'll just walk back to my place from here." Hank told her.

"Are you sure? You can come back with us and stay for dinner. I know Henry would love to have you over." Evie tried telling him.

"Oh no, it's fine. I really do have to get going, besides I wouldn't want to intrude on any of your plans." Hank replied.

"Hank, you know us we never have plans and even if we did you would never intrude us. You're welcome over at our house any time. You know that." She told him.

"I know Evie, and I thank you so much for the invitation, but I actually have plans of my own. Another time though." Hank said.

"Ok, if you're sure. I'll see you around, I guess."

"I'm sure you will." He said before they walked separate ways.

"Was it just me? Or was he acting kind of weird back there?" Mal asked as they headed back to Evie's house.

"I'm not exactly sure. I'm sure he's fine though." Evie replied even though she did kind of agree with Mal. Hank was acting a bit strange. But she blew it off as nothing, Hank had plans, and there was nothing wrong with that. But she still wondered what had caused him to act so strange like that.

A/N: Well? How was this chapter? So do any of you have any more guess as to who the hooded person is? And do you think Hank was acting weird? Or was he just fine? Please let me know what you thought! Until the next chapter!!!

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