Chapter 12

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After the hooded person found out that Henry and Evie were apparently staying in a hotel, they drove in their car to the hotel Harriet had found out they were staying in to meet her there. This would be the final step in the plan before they would finally get what they were after, that was if everything went according to plan.

So when they parked their car, they met up with Harriet, who was waiting outside for them. "Hey boss!" She greeted them.

They nodded their head up at her as they greeted her. "Alright, let's go find out which room they're staying in." They said to her as they walked into the lobby.

But as they walked past a woman who was behind the counter. She started shaking like crazy when she caught sight of the person who was wearing the hoodie and Harriet Hook. She had heard about them breaking out of prison, so she was trying not to freak out as the two approached the counter.

Harriet placed her hands on the counter as she leaned forward to the woman. "Hello there. We were wanting to know which room Henry and Evie Weber are staying in." She said in a fake sweet voice.

"I-I'm s-sorry. B-but we don't give out the p-private location of our g-guests." The woman stuttered out in fear.

The hooded person pulled out a gun and pointed it at the woman's forehead. "You wanna tell us now?" They said in their now infamous disguised voice.

"Room 231 on the 3rd floor."  She immediately told him.

Harriet sent her an evil smile as she began walking away. The woman slowly brought her hand to the phone without the two criminals noticing so she could call the police on them. But the person in the hoodie caught sight of her trying to do so, so they clicked their tongue as they shook their head before pulling the trigger of the gun, killing the woman instantly due to the bullet going straight through her brain.

"You just had to do that, didn't you?!" Harriet yelled at her boss.

"Yes, she was gonna call the cops on us!" They yelled back at her.

"Yeah? Well now someone else is gonna call the cops on us after hearing that gunshot!" Harriet replied.

"Whatever! Let's just go to Henry and Evie's room and get the plan done!"

They then ran to the elevator, going up to the 3rd floor where the woman had told them that they were in. Harriet picked the lock before she opened the door, smirking proudly at her boss. "There. Now, let's go in."

"You go in. You know what you're supposed to do. And if you need me, I'll be right out here." They told her.

Harriet nodded her head before she quietly entered the room, she quickly spotted Henry and Evie fast asleep with Ember sleeping in her bassinet right next to Evie's side of the bed. Harriet quietly approached Henry's side of the bed as she knelt down in front of him. She put her hand to the back of his head as she played with his hair gently, and she began stroking his cheek with the back of her of her other hand.

Henry, when he felt someone messing with him, soon woke up. And as he opened his eyes, he realized he was face-to-face with Harriet. He then shot up as he looked at her in shock. "Harriet?! What are you doing here?" He demanded in a whisper as not to wake up Evie or Ember.

"I'm here to see you. Why else?" She whispered back to him.

"Harriet, you need to go." He told her. "I am happily married. How many times do I have to tell you before you actually realize that?"

"Henry, I know you still have feelings for me. You don't love, Evie. Come on, forget about her. You love me." She replied.

Henry shook his head at her as he stood up. "I don't love you, Harriet. I'm sorry for letting you believe I did, but that was before I met Evie. I love her, I'm married to her, and I have a daughter with her. So leave, cause I don't love you, and we will never happen." He said.

Harriet shook her head before she cupped his cheeks and pulled him down to her as she connected their lips, kissing him passionately.

Evie in her sleep, rolled on her other side so she could cuddle into Henry, but she didn't feel him in the bed, and without feeling him, she opened her eyes and sat up. And her breath got caught in her throat at the sight of Henry kissing Harriet. "What are you doing!?" She yelled at them.

Henry was then able to break away from Harriet as he turned around to Evie. "Evie, that was not what it looked like." He tried telling her.

"Oh really?! So then you weren't just kissing Harriet?" She asked him with tears gathering in her ears, threatening to spill over any second.

"Evie, she kissed me."

Harriet was just staring at Evie with a smirk on her face as she was getting exactly what she wanted. And Evie sent her a glare before she looked back at her husband with hurt in her eyes. "Henry, I saw you. You were kissing her back, believe me, I, of all people, would know what that looks like. Heck, I know what that feels like. You cheated on me. And with Harriet. How could you do this!"

"Evie, please. I love you. Not Harriet." He said grabbing her arm.

"Hey! That hurts you know!" Harriet yelled at him.

"Get out Harriet!? I never wanna see you again!" Henry yelled at her.

"Fine! I'll go. But if you want me, baby. I'm only a text away. Or a phone call, if you wish." She replied as she walked out of the room, and back out to her boss who was still right outside.

"So, is the plan working?" They asked her.

"As of how it was when I left. Oh yes." Harriet replied as they continued to try and listen to Henry and Evie in their room.

"Evie please! You have to believe me! I married you! Not Harriet! I fell in love with you. We have a little girl together. Do I have a kid with Harriet? No, I don't. Now are you really gonna stay mad at me forever?" He asked her.

"I don't know what to believe anymore. I just need some time to think, and I'm not going to be around you in that time. I'm going back to the house." She told him.

"But what about that person in the hoodie?" He asked her.

"I'll deal with that, if they decide to come. I just don't want to be around a cheater. Now give me the keys." She said as she held her hand out to him.

"You're really gonna leave me here?" He asked her as he walked over to the nightstand.

"Yes! Until you can prove to me that you did not kiss Harriet, and that you truly love me with all of your heart." She replied.

Henry picked the keys up from the nightstand and put them in the palm of Evie's outstretched hand. "Just be safe, ok?"

Evie didn't say anything as she picked up her sleeping daughter and gently buckled her into her car seat before she grabbed her suitcase and Ember's diaper bag before she sent one last look to Henry, a look of sadness that put tears in Henry's eyes. He didn't want Evie to go, but she was upset, and he knew that there had to be someway to get her to forgive him.

Harriet and the hooded person, when they heard Evie coming towards the door, ran and hid somewhere, as not to be spotted. They caught sight of Evie making her way to the elevator, and they high-fived each other, happy and satisfied that their plan was going exactly how they wanted.

A/N: Yes, I know it was a little shorter, but this is where it begins before the identity of the hooded person is revealed. So any more guesses before the identity is revealed? Please let me know if you do, and also let me know what you thought of this! Until the next chapter!!!

My Little Angel 2: The Dark AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant