I was feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed for some reason.

The door barged open and in came All the other boys.

"Oh my god y/n, we came soon after we got to know that you are awakened,Hoseok called us,we were in the outside of the room" Jimin came in with a bouquet of flowers.

White lilies,my favourite. I held them and smiled looking at it. They were so pretty and it calmed me up.

"She got a panic attack just now" Taehyung said.

"What!?" Jin shouted.

"How! And why!?" Jungkook asked worryingly.

"Due to the saline and we had to remove it" Taehyung replied back.

Everyone was happily talking. Namjoon said that the doctor had said him I could be discharged by tomorrow Although my right hand was fractured due to the hard impact of the chair.

"You don't know y/n,Jungkook was worried sick about you," Jimin said while Jungkook just elbowed him in the stomach.

"I was worried because she was the one who saved us,and for fact that I felt she really cared about me when I was getting beaten up by that assholes" jungkook said.

"And other than You guys,she was the only one who had actually cared for me like that,although I've been a dick for her" he said while scratching back of his neck.

"Ok ok you can tell that jungkook but then there's this one who didn't even sleep for the last few days when y/n was missing,and he was holding y/n's hand through out the time you've passed out" Jimin said in a mischievous note.

Everyone started fake coughing,while I was dumbfounded. But not everyone coughed,there stood Taehyung giving Jimin a death glare. He looked at me and I soon looked away from his eyes,not

Jimin didn't even care about what Taehyung was doing.

"Y/n I could show you him but I'm pretty sure you've already notice who the person is" jimin said while everyone tried to hold their laugh.

I don't know what's funny but this was hella embarrassing.

"Can't I be worried about my wife!?" Taehyung snapped back at Jimin.

Everyone was silent.

Did he really cared for me?

"Omo look at y/n,she is blushing,"Hosoek screamed,making my cheeks go into more red.

After teasing me and Taehyung the nurses came and gave me medicine and advises.

I had soup for dinner.

I couldn't drink the soup due to my fractured hand,so Taehyung fed me.

"This should be captured" jimin took out his phone.

"It's a rare chance of seeing Taehyung feeding Someone,not a rare chance,this was my first time seeing this so yeah,"

*clicked* *clicked*

Jimin took some photos of me and Taehyung.

Taehyung got up charged towards Jimin.

"Jimin I swear if you don't delete those pictures I'll send your short limp dick to your chicks" Taehyung gave him a smirk.

"Who said I'm short!? Yes I might be short but not my buddy, you sprout head" Jimin's face was red,he was clearly angry.

Jungkook joined in the argument too,he help Taehyung and they both burned Jimin out.

"You wouldn't even know what the upper shelf books are" Jungkook laughed while holding his stomach.

"For real Jeon Jungkook,I am going to kill you with my bare hands"

"You mean those tiny hands? Don't take me wrong but I feel like I am being threatened by a cupcake" jungkook's comment made me smile.

So the day went like that.

I can't even believe that these are mafias.


More interesting parts are coming soon~

Pls wait for it 😉

If you can pls vote and comment too :)

Btw did you watch the bang bang con 21

It healed me 🥺😭

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