Chapter 17

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"Tyler, When grundle said two fathers your one of them." I said and laid down next to him in out bed.

"I know, I'm scared of dying." He said and I hugged him sideways.

"I'm here, we can prevent it." I said and kissed him softly on his cheek.

"I know, but how?" He asked and he sat up.

"We need to keep Hannah a secret and isolate her for a couple years, but how?" I asked.

"I'm going out ok, I know where just let me get it ready." He said an for up and putt a v-neck on.

"Ok I love you baby." I said as Tyler pulled and an gave me a long kiss.

"Ill pick you up in the morning, be ready were moving." He said and closed the door behind him.

I got up and decided to get Hannah up.

"Baby doll?" I asked as I opened the door to her room. she liked red and black a lot I don't understand why.

"Yeah mom?" She said and sat up in her bed.

"Were moving pack up." I said and turned on her light.

"Where mom, why, I don't want to leave." She said and I opened her closet and started to luggages out and putt her cloths in it.

"I don't know where honey but it's for your good." I said and walked to her.

"It's for the best." I said and kissed her forehead gently "get the rest packed up." I said and got up and started to get me and Tyler's things ready.

I was going trough everything and there were so many photos of us. I grabbed one of Tyler's shirts and realized it was the one I wore to school when we first started dating.

Ring ring ring!

I looked at my phone that was ringing the contact was Tyler.

"Hello, baby." I said and got some luggages out.

"Did you tell Hannah?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" I asked him.

"Because, I'm at our new home and looking at the rooms, Hannah's will be the attic it's painted black like she likes it." He said and I smiled.

"Ok see you in the morning." I said and hung up.

"Mom, I'm not leaving." Hannah came up to me and said.

"Yes you are!" I said getting aggravated with her.

"No, watch me!" With that said she went out flying.

"HANNAH!" I screamed and started running with Alexis behind me.


It's 3 in the morning and we still haven't found Hannah. I think she went to Danny's. me and Alexis are driving down there right now.

Knock knock!

"Hello?" Danny said and opened the door.

"Is Hannah with you?" I asked while he let me inside, Alexis stayed in the car.

"Yeah she's upstairs." He said and I started walking towards the stair till I saw Hannah coming down.

"Wow that was quick!" Hannah said.

"Let go before Tyler finds out." I said and putt my arm around her.

"Bye dad, I love you." Hannah said and hugged Danny goodbye.

"We won't be back till next year." I said to Danny as Hannah walked towards the car with alexis.

"Why?" Danny asked and his face darkened.

"Because she has a evil type thing I don't know how to explain and we need to isolate her." I said.

"You do realize that Hannah will hate you right?" Danny said.

"How, she loves me." I said and thought does she really or is it an act.

"Well goodbye keep touch." Danny said and I walked out the door still thinking does Hannah really love me?

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