Chapter 12

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*********** 1 week later *********

I have been in California for about a whole week with Danny. I am back with Danny and trying to get rid of Tyler in my mind. I am happy now, but heart broken at the same time because he had kissed another girl that wasn't even me.

"Hey baby, you ready?" Danny asked me while I threw on a leather jacket on and he opened the Door of our room.

"Yes, why are we going so early though?" I asked him.We were leaving to go to go putt me in his school, now that I was moving here. I've received about 40 phone calls from Tyler and about 70 texts asking for forgiveness.

We were at the school in no time it was pretty and elegant.

"Hello mr. Black, how may I help you." The lady in the front desk asked.

"Good, I need you to put my girlfriend in all my classes and get all her information from her old school." He said giving me a grin his reddish eyes where pretty.

"Thank you." I said to him as we walked to the first class.

"Anything for you." He said opening the door kissing me passionately.

I part from his kiss, my stomach started to hurt I felt week. I ran to the bathroom.

I stared to throw up everywhere. My face was pink and I felt sick. Everything started to turn black and I fainted.


I open my eyes to my ceiling in my new home.

"What happened?" I asked looking at Danny next to me.

"You fainted." He said holding my hand.

"And um i don't knoe how your going to take this but um your pregnant." He said as his face turned a little pink and at the same time I felt even more sick.

"What, how do you know." I asked "You've been passed out for a whole day I took you to the hospital they too exams and other things." He respond.

"With who?" I asked because I've done it with Danny and tyler.

"We don't know yet we have to wait till tomorrow to go to the hospital and see, everything will be ok." he said and covered me with a blanket and kissed my forehead.

All I could think about was me being pregnant, and who was the father. Would it be Tyler or Danny?


"Where here." Danny said giving me a sad look but with a small smile. " Everything will be ok."

"I'm fine... Just a little scared." I said opening the door and walking in.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs., How may I be of your assistance?" The lady at the desk asked us.

"Yes, I would like to see the papers of Lynn winters please." Danny asked politely.

"I'm sorry sir those papers have already been taken out of the hospital." The lady said.

"Oh my god it was Tyler!" I said starting to cry.

"Yes, do you want to know-." I ran out as she didn't finish the sentence.

"Lynn!" Danny screamed.

I kept running but stopped because Danny was in front of me.

I started to cry louder.

"Don't cry well go to Massachusetts and get the papers." He said hugging me.

"No Im going to call him." I said very confidently.

Beep beep beep- "LYNN!" Tyler screamed with relieve out of the phone.

"Where are the papers of my child's father!" I yelled with panic.

"I have them and I know who it is, I'm very disappointed in you." Tyler said lowering his voice.

"Well I'm not, who's the father?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tell you I until you come home-" he said but I interrupted saying "no, tell me or I will go there to beet you".

"Well anything just to see you again." he said and I Danny grabbed the phone and said " you bastard who is the father!"

"Little ass, that's my fiancé!" Tyler screamed.

"Let's see about that when I get there!" Danny screamed and hung up.

"Here." Danny passed me a backpack "put only what you need." he said and grabbed some stuff from his drawer.

"Ok." I said and packed the bag.

"Let's go, I'm sorry I yelled I love you." Danny said and grabbed my bag and hugged me.

"I love you to." I said and we went out the door.

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