A loud sound filled the silence of the huge space. The gate to outside opened. Out of nowhere, Janson grabbed Zara's arms roughly. The girl fought a rising panic.

''What the hell are you doing?'' She hissed. His harsh grip burned her skin.

He didn't answer.

''I'm not even doing something this time.'' She proceeded. ''You're burning my fucking arms, man!'' She clenched her fists.

''Stop it, Zara. Don't make them show you what happens if you don't just cooperate.'' Her father revealed.

''I was cooperating just fine before you started squeezing my arms. This is so unnecessary.''

She lifted her head in response and took it in-five guards standing in front of them, aiming their guns at her. She stopped struggling, her face dropped. No matter how much she longed to throw her fist in her father's face, she chose life.

''Sensible girl.'' He jested. ''We're only doing this in case you-''

''-Escape? The Scorch is hecking scary, man. That's not escaping worthy.'' Zara cut him off.

''Good that.''

He dragged her towards the guards and let them take her over. They might as well have squeezed her arms so tight they started to pinch. She winced in pain.

''Otherwise just chop off my arms immediately. I don't have a chance anyways and then you wouldn't have to worry about me turning your necks backwards.'' She scoffed.

The guard that was holding her snorted. ''Jeez, calm down. Don't be so cranky.''

Zara planted her elbow in his stomach. To her surprise, he cowered and let go of her completely. She was now standing still, free, looking from the guard on the ground to her dad. Well, that was easy.

She waited until the four other guards jumped to her. They held her tight and yanked her along, forcing Zara to turn away from her dad and see a helicopter in front of them. They made her climb in. But it was less climbing and more pulling her up. As if she couldn't do it herself.

''I hope our new house is actually better than this one!'' Zara shouted to her dad. He was still standing on the same place.

''It is!'' He replied. ''Maybe not for you, but for me sure.''

Zara cursed under her breath.

''No need to be afraid!'' He added.

''That's a relief, thank you!'' She scoffed. ''I definitely feel better now.''

One of the guards poked her with the tip of his gun. She rolled her eyes but smirked. It really took four guards to keep her under control. And she was more than half a foot shorter.

They made her sit down on one of the passenger seats. They fastened their safety belt and the doors closed. Zara leaned back, resting her head. Several things went through her mind. Would they move because it wasn't safe her anymore or because it didn't function? It seemed like every single person came along. Maybe the Right Arm was about to attack again? A wave happiness washed over her. Followed by worry. Would they be alright? It had been almost eight months since she'd seem them. That missing feeling in her stomach she hadn't had for a few days set up. Yep, she still missed them, and it still hurt.


Several hours passed. Maybe even a whole day. They were still in the air; the sun had already showed itself and was now about to go under. Seeing the sunrise had done Zara goo. Now the sky took on its most colorful combinations. Red, orange, pink and yellow. Zara gazed out the window next to her to catch a glimpse of it. And sand. Still, lots of sand.

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