♡ 6: I'm F*cked Up, But I'm Not A Sick F*ck

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A/N: I'm slowly making a playlist for this book. If you have any song recs let me know.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape. Swearing.


I don't think I can explain the panic I felt when I made my way back to the party and couldn't find Mars.

I was only gone ten minutes at the most. So, when I walk back to the snack table and she nor her sisters are there, I get worried.

I find Alex first. He's with the rest of the group near the fire. Everyone was there except for Margarita. Angelica and Eliza were there. Where was she? "Yo, where's Mars?"

"What do you mean?" Angelica asked.

"Who?" Eliza questioned, playing dumb.

"Your sister. Where is she? I left her with you." I didn't feel like playing any fucked up games or arguing with them. I just wanted to find Margarita. I told her that I'd take care of her. To do that I had to find her.

"She's not a baby, John. She walked off, I don't know."

"By herself? And you don't care? What the fuck? What's wrong with y'all?" They just shrug at me. "Has anyone seen her? Seriously. I'm not fucking playing."

No one answers me. They all avoid eye contact.

I don't like this. "Get the fuck out of my way," I push past them.

I started asking my classmates if they'd seen her. Most of them had no clue who I was talking about until I pulled up a picture we'd taken earlier to show them.

No one had seen her.

I call her phone, but I get no answer.

"Laurens?" I turn at the call of my name. It's James Madison. "You're looking for Peggy, right?"

"Do you know where she is?"

"I saw her and her sisters earlier. She looked wasted. Angelica and Eliza were basically holding her up. I thought they were taking her to sober up."

Wasted? She wasn't wasted when I left her. She was a little baked, but she could walk just fine. "Did you see where they went?"

"No. Sorry."


I walk along the outskirts of the party, calling her name. "Mars!?" If she was actually drunk, would she answer to Mars? "Margarita!" She doesn't even like answering to her government name sober, I know she won't answer when under the influence.

Why isn't she answering her phone?

Something gold catches in the flashlight of my phone on the ground. A sandal. I pick it up. It's Mars' sandal. She was wearing a pair exactly like this.

Why is her shoe in the woods?

Why is it not attached to her foot? Where is she? Is she hurt? Is she being hurt?

I run further into the woods, belting out her name. I find her other shoe about a mile from the first one. I stop and look around.

The only noises I can hear are my own heart beating and whatever forest animals are scurrying about. The noise from the party is all but faded. I dial her phone number again. "Mars!"

This time, I can hear her ringtone. She's close. At least, her phone is. "Mars!"

Was that a scream?

Was that her screaming my name?

I didn't have to go far to find out.

There were three guys around her. But, my brain can't focus on the other two. The one on top of her is who I tackle. The other two quickly scatter, but it didn't matter. I'd find them.

Walk On The Wild Side ♡ JEGGY ✓Where stories live. Discover now