♡ 5: I'm Here. You're Safe.

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A/N: I listened to Down For You by Cosmo's Midnight & Ruel while writing the beginning and it gives major John and Peggy vibes!

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault. (I'm going to put a little ** when it comes up) Underage drinking. Drug use. Drugs being consumed without a person's consent or knowledge.


Why do I feel like we're walking into a trap?

I don't trust these people as far as I can throw them.

That includes my sisters. They want me to think that John's a monster? John's not a monster. John's been dealt a shit hand and is trying to keep his head above water.

He's angry, yes, but dammit, he has every right to be.

There's a cool person underneath the anger and arrogance. There's a loving person underneath that facade. I saw it when he was talking to his siblings. He calls them his babies for Heaven's sake.

So what, he beats the shit out of people?

If people don't want him to hit them, they should leave him the fuck alone.

"Did I say something to piss you off?"

I raise my eyebrow at John as we walk down the hallway towards Lafayette's room. "Why?"

"You've got that cute little furrow between your brows that lets me know you're upset."

"I'm... thinking." I press my lips together. "Don't accept any apologies, John. Make them work for it." He nods, "I'm serious. Don't let them think they can treat you like shit and then say sorry and everything will be okay. You deserve better than that."

"Okay, mama, I got it." I narrow my eyes at him and he smirks, lifting our interlocked hands, and kissing the back of mine.

This boy is going to kill me.

"And, remember that I don't think this is a good idea. None of it. But, if you want to be here, fine."

He knocks on Lafayette's door and it opens a second later. "Hey, John. Hey, Peggy. Come in."

Music is playing from a portable speaker on Lafayette's desk, where Theo and Maria are sitting.

Lafayette's room is much bigger than mine. He has a sitting area, with a small sofa and a kitchenette. "Why is your room so big?" It looks more like a small studio apartment than a dorm room.

"I'm special,"

Everyone is scattered about Laf's room, holding styrofoam cups. "Look! John made it!" Laf announces, getting everyone's attention.

Someone turns the music down, and Alex stands up first. "So, John we just -."

I cut him off. "No, let me talk first. I don't trust any of you fuckers and I'm watching every single one of you." I stare each of them down. "Especially you two," I point at my sisters. "I will throat punch all you bitches," I jab the air with my fist. "Just like that. I will crush your fucking windpipe."

John hugs me from behind, smushing his cheek against my temple. "Look at you, my little guard chihuahua."

I ignore him. "I see right through your bullshit. Y'all are manipulative and toxic and I will not let John fall for it. If your apologies aren't sincere, we're leaving."


You know what? I might have to throat punch John by the end of this. Homeboy is annoying. "You've all been warned. Carry on."

John has been manipulated enough. I won't stand for it.

The room is quiet for a beat. "Understood." Alex nods.

Walk On The Wild Side ♡ JEGGY ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя