The voices of the increasing paparazzi blended into one big cacophony.  I couldn't see, concentrate, or hear a thing anymore.  There was a slight buzzing in my head, giving me a headache.  Drake looked down at me and seemed to understand that I couldn't talk to the media.  No, I wouldn't talk to the media.  HIs hand gave mine a squeeze before pulling me protectively to his side.  I was about to object before I realized being hidden by him was much more comfortable than being swarmed by these strange people.

"Josie and I are dating now," Drake's voice boomed above the constant chatter of the news reporters.  "Harry ditched her, and it's a shame because he doesn't know what he's lost," Drake lied smoothly.  His voice held just the right amount of fire in it to make it sound like he was my actual boyfriend.  Drake and I actually dating...ew. If he ever tries to pull a kiss on me again, I'll rip his head off for the world to see.  

"Harry dumped her?"

"How could Harry dump a princess?"

The whispers rose up to a higher pitch and I buried my head into Drake's chest.  What would Harry think when he saw this?  Would he ever forgive me?  No, I don't think he will.  The other band members must hate me for this too.  Their probably wishing to have never met me and my stupid royal family.

"Let's get out of here," Drake whispered to me before taking me hand and pushing past the people surrounding us with microphones and video cameras.  Good thing I like running because we ran for a very long time before losing the last of the paparazzi.

"Here, this cafe will work."  He led me into a dimmed but cozy cafe that was in the middle of a large shopping plaza.  It seemed that many people skipped over this little store as the whole place was nearly empty.

 "Here, take this," Drake handed me a chocolate chip muffin that he had bought while sucking up some smoothie he had.

"That was the worst interview by the paparazzi ever," I complained leaning back in my chair and nibbling at my muffin.  It was delicious.

"Yeah right.  I did all the talking," he teased which earned him a kick from under the table from me.

"Still.  I can't believe my parents are playing puppet with me.  I mean, don't I get a say in my life?"

He shrugged as if it were no big deal.  "You get used to it after eighteen years."

I shook my head and continued working on my muffin.  When he realized I was done talking, Drake asked, "So...when exactly are we getting married?"

A flash of anger ran down my spine.  I had to count to ten in my head before I allowed myself to talk. Remember: your mad at you're dad, not Drake.  "Never if I have any say about it."

"Aw come on, am I that bad?" Drake teased grinning stupidly at me.

"Compared to Harry, yes, yes you are."

"Touche."  He sighed and rested his hands on the table, mindlessly doing something on his phone.  "You know, your fans are against the Hasie break-up," he said suddenly.

"What fans?" I was pretty sure I didn't have any fans.  Who would admire the princess with no manners? With no care for politics? With no will to live life without Harry? 

"The ones you gained when you became princess and when you started dating Harry," Drake said matter-of-factly.  

"Why does it matter?  I'm going to end up marrying you anyway," I tried to say it jokingly but it came out more as an exasperated sigh.  I wonder what Harry was up to right now.  Maybe one day, when all this was over...I sighed again as I realized that this will never be over.  I will forever be a pawn in the game of politics and Hasie will never be allowed to happen.

A sad thought occurred to me as I stared at the clock ticking in the corner of the cafe.  In time, Harry will move on from me.  He will forget about me, the girl whom he said he loved.  He will end up with some other girl, who will no doubt be prettier, smarter, nicer, and more talented at life than I will ever be.  My heart thudded painfully against my chest as I realized that this was reality.  Harry would move on and I would forever be stuck with Drake and him with me.  I wish I could escape from reality.  Because it seriously sucked.

"Let's head back yeah?" I nodded in agreement and made my way back onto the street.  This was going to be a long walk home.


"You have a visitor!" Piper shouted from outside my room.  I groaned and rolled back around on my very comfortable bed.  It's been a week since the Hasie break-up and the Drasie get together.  I've spent that time learning to cook, clean, order people around, and most importantly (at least my mother thinks so) how to act like royalty.  

I avoided the computer at all costs because I know if I got my hands on that device, it'd only be a matter of time before I googled for Harry just to see his face again.  To hear his voice.  To feel the warmth of his hand in mine.

"The visitors coming in!" Piper shouted sounding excited.  I sighed and covered my face with my pillow.  Piper and Josh were so lucky.  They got to have each other while I was stuck with Drake.  The guy who may or may not like me but was unfortunately stuck with me for the rest of his life.  I almost pitied him as much as I pitied myself.  No doubt I'd grow up to be a cranky old lady without Harry.

"Boo!" I tilted my head to the side to see my visitor.  I felt a smile slowly creeping up on my face.  My first real smile in days.  "Miss me princess?"

"Of course Femi!" I gave her a hug and sniffed.  Even Femi was luckier than I was.  She at least had the freedom of dating whomever she wanted.

"Aw you poor thing, Piper told me everything," she said patting my back.  Since when were her and Piper such close friends? "But you need to stop weeping and get back on your feet!  You are meant to preside over the whole of Great Britain.  How do you expect to do that if you spend each day groveling in the dirt?"

I muttered incomprehensive words under my breath and got up.  "I'm up.  What shall we do now?"

"I dunno.  It's your castle.  How about give me a tour?" Femi asked with a bright smile on her face.

"Sure, sure" I agreed easily.  

It was five floors, fifty-one bedrooms, and six entertainment rooms later that we were making our way over to the main kitchen.

"Man, your castle's even bigger than mine!" Femi exclaimed.

"Of course, my country has a higher gross domestic product than yours," I chuckled.  I was about to continue on with the amazing history of Great Britain that I had learned over the week when I saw him at the kitchen door.

Great.  And I was having a averagely good day too.

"And who are you?" Drake asked my Egyptian friend.

A/N  I hate going back to school after winter break -___- gahh oh well here's another upload for you guys! :)

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