Chapter 36: Flashback PT.2

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The waitress almost smashed your glasses on the table.

"Thank you!" Ava shouted as the waitress walked away, giving other tables their orders.

You all picked up your beers and Hanjie stood up, holding her glass up. "Here's to... our beautiful (Y/n), it seems like it was just yesterday you joined my squad!" She made a fake crying nose. "And now, you're getting married?!" She said in shock, earning a laugh from Ava and a light chuckle from you. "I won't lie (Y/n), I've known Levi for quite some time now and never... and I mean never in a million years would anyone have guessed that, that man was ever going to get married." She admitted and you scoffed as both her and Ava burst out in laughter. "I mean, I really mean it, we thought he was going to die alone." She added.

"Okay Hanjie, wrap it up! my arm is getting tired." Ava groaned.

"Okay, okay, yes! Sorry! To (Y/n), the beautiful bride to be!" She sang and you all clinked your glasses together. As you took one sip, so did Ava, but Hanjie downed hers in less than a few seconds. "Woo! I have to pee! I'll be right back!" She jumped and ran towards the bathroom.

You followed her with your eyes, just to make sure she wasn't going to fall over on someone and piss them off. When you turned around you practically jumped at Ava, already in your face, glaring at you.

"What?" You laughed nervously.

"What's up with you?" She furrowed her brows and you just stared at her.

"What are you talking about?" You brought the glass up to your lips to drink out of it, but you were shaking too much.

"Something is on your mind... you're nervous." Ava said, flatly as she took a sip of her beer. "Is it cause you're scared I'm going to get caught for drinking?" She asked, and you immediately nodded even though that was not the case. "(Y/n) you gotta relax, Hanjie knows the owner of this bar and she said she'll cover for me, don't worry about it." She snickered and you just nodded frantically, which gave it away that that really wasn't the case. "No... it's something else what's wrong?"

"Nothing!" You snapped suddenly and just drank again, now chugging it halfway to empty.

"(Y/n), please don't lie to me... you've been weird ever since we left the shop... what's wrong?" She now had a concerned look on her face.

Oh god, how do you even put this into words? How do you tell your friend you're having doubts about this wedding? How do you tell her about all of your worries, after all she's done to make it the perfect day for you tomorrow?!

"Ava, I-"

"WOOHOO, ladies!" Hanjie stormed in slamming three shot glasses on the table that were now all half empty from her spilling them. "Shots!" She cheered and you and Ava just stared at her. "Come on! You guys seem down, this is supposed to be a party! A celebration! Come on (Y/n)! This is for you!" You gave her a slight smile and picked up the shot glass. "That's what I'm talking about!" She picked hers up, spilling more of it out. Ava reached for hers, but her eyes were locked on you. "I love you girls!" Hanjie chanted and you all clinked your glasses again, and you took the shot easily considering almost nothing was in it.  

After putting your glass down, your eyes lingered a little longer on the ring resting on your finger, you played with it a bit, before looking up to meet Hanjies gaze. "You okay?" She asked, looking slightly concerned and you broke right then and there.

"(Y/n)?" Ava, moved in wrapping an arm around you, and Hanjie took your hand in hers. "What's wrong (Y/n), please tell us..." Ava sounded hurt seeing you like this.

"Is it about who's going to walk you down the aisle?" Hanjie asked, rubbing the top of your hand with her thumb, and you shrugged.

"It's part of it." You admitted. "I don't know, it just feels like so much." You laughed out, trying to wipe at your tears. "Like a lot of emotions are running through my head and like, I kind of feel, like confused and lost and like I just- I don't know it could just be that I'm drunk but I- like- I- I don't know if I 'm ready to go through with this!" You blurted out, and both Hanjie and Ava paused in their movements.

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