Chapter 7: Kenny Squad vs. (Y/n) & Levi pt.1

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"KENNY!" Levi shouted, pushing you behind him so you were out of sight. He launched the blade towards him, but at the last minute Kenny knocked it out of the air.

Only a second later he pointed his gun at you both and Levi lifted his cloak to cover you, so he had no specific target to shoot at. He gripped your arm hard and threw you over to the other side of the roof.

In less than a second after Levi swung you, you ducked down as you heard Kenny. "Kaboom!" and a gunshot came blasting through the bricks above you.

You looked up to see the rest of Kenny's team closing in on you both. Your head snapped up to Levi as he gripped you. "You better survive this." He growled in an orderly tone.

"W-Wha-" You screamed as he pushed you down the roof and you slid down, and many gunshots were just barely missing you. "Levi!" You yelled, as he took off in the other direction.

Before you fell to the ground you shot one of your hooks to help you swing between buildings trying to escape all those chasing after you.

You moved quickly between buildings, still on edge after seeing Kenny again. You looked back and saw no one was behind you.

Shit, did they know about the plan?

That's when the location of Eren and Historia came to your mind. You needed to get to them before Kenny could.

You now shot and moved swiftly to locate the wagon and a few seconds later you spotted it, but the wagon's cover was ripped off. You tried your best to get to them when you saw they were both exposed for all to see, and all to shoot at. You followed it closely, but stayed hidden, in case there was anyone else around.

Your heart stopped when you saw Historia drop, followed by Eren getting the same tranquil dart shot in his neck.


You went to jump in sight so whoever shot could see you coming and would potentially retreat, but you hesitated as a gunshot went off and Hnajie's other member she sent off with you flew off the wagon, bleeding from his head.

The woman that was shooting at them jumped on the wagon, taking control over the horses.

Shit. You had to go after them.

You hooked yourself to one of the buildings more in the open so you could follow.

At the same time you came out, you heard someone's gear from behind you, the dark haired woman looked up in your direction and her eyes widened and she sped up. You glanced over your shoulder and relaxed a bit realizing it was Levi following you.

With you two after the wagon, there's no way anyone was going to manage against you two.

"(Y/n)! Go right!" He ordered and you did, following after the wagon but now on the right side.

With you and him working together you could see in the woman's face she was scared, but before you knew it, three of Kenny's men caught you off guard and they shot at you, forcing you to hook yourself in another direction from the wagon and Levi.

They were trying to separate you two!

You continued to move as quick as possible through the city, while continuously getting shot at.

Kenny predicted every single one of your movements!

You dodged every shot fired at you, occasionally turning around to throw whatever you could in their way to slow them down. You groaned as a second group of them were now closing in on you from the other direction.

With one of your hooks now attached to a building you swung yourself around to throw them off in which direction  you were going to.

As they still followed you, you tried to lose them by moving further down the buildings, jumping and hooking off every wall you could get your feet on as shots just barely missed you.

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