Chapter 15: How it all started

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~Narrator POV

"So tell me Kenny..." Caven looked up at him as they walked. "How is it, you ended up raising those two? No offence or anything, but you're not really... father material."

"Levi was inevitable... I had to take him in." He admitted huffing out in annoyance, indicating to her that he didn't want to talk about them.

"Why is that?"

"He's my sister's son." He sighed out and her head snapped to him.

"Wait... so you want to kill your own blood?"

"He's not my blood!" He spat. "Not anymore." He let out a huff of rage and inhaled deeply closing his eyes. "He doesn't know we're related." He added.

"You never told him?"

"The Ackerman name wasn't really something you'd want." He lifted his hat off, pushing his hair back a bit before putting it back on. "Kuchel, my sister, she told that ungrateful brat that if anyone were to ever ask his name to say 'just Levi'. I caught on quick the second I saw him."

"Why didn't she just take care of her own son?" Caven now grew more interested in this story.

"She was dead when I found him." His face went... sad a bit. "I found Levi in the room in a corner, with his mom dead in bed." Now Caven ever grew sad from hearing about this. "Can you believe that's all she left me? An ungrateful brat on the brink of death.." He laughed through his nose. "But she knew me well enough I guess... because I wasn't so heartless that I would let the runt die so I let him stay with me a bit, however I was most definitely not stepping up to the plate at being a parent." She looked at him with a confused look seeing a soft smile come across his face. "It wasn't until (Y/n) came along where I thought I could maybe be a good father figure."

"Why with her? How did she even come along in your lives?"


Kenny and Levi walked along the small houses of the underground city. "Now Levi, if you see the man in the picture I showed you earlier, you tell me and you chase after him, understand?" He looked down at him and he nodded a bored look on his face.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" They both turned to a mothers crying voice. "PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER AWAY!" They saw a woman fall out of the front of her house, with four men in front of her, one of them holding a little girl under his arm.

"Shut up!" One of them shouted and punched the woman across the face, knocking her to the floor completely.

"Mommy!" The little girl tried to run for her but was restrained by the man.

"Come here, you little shit!" He hissed, picking her up, uncomfortably. Levi started to walk towards them, but Kenny grabbed his shoulder.

"It's not our issue." Kenny looked up to see the girl get thrown in the back of a wagon and her mother still on the floor, trying hard to get up as she reached out to the men. A young boy, who seemed to be around the same age as Levi, came running out of the house and bent down to his mom, trying to help her up. "Come on Levi." He said, pulling on him.

He hesitated a little, thinking that he could run after the wagon, but Kenny tugged him harder to turn away.

*Time Skip*

Kenny watched as Levi devoured a piece of bread as he sipped his third beer of the night.

As he finished it, his eyes shifted to a few men that walked into the bar... they were the men that stole that little girl earlier.

Levi stared them down and looked back at Kenny. "I know." He said to the young one. "But like I said before, not our issue."

Kenny was still trying to take that habit out if playing hero out if the kid... especially if he wanted to survive in the underground.

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