Chapter 35: The Night Before the Wedding - Flashback Pt.1

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*4 days later*

After finishing up one of the last training sessions with Mikasa, since she now seemed to have such good control over it. You walked back with her as you both headed towards the barn, so you could find Levi and Mikasa could find her friends.

When you arrived you spotted Ava and Ekho, sitting on the fence talking. You walked over and they both smiled as you came. "How did training go today?" Ekho asked.

"Great, she got control over it quite fast." You said, leaning against the fence.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Ava added, and you looked up at her, smiling. "Shouldn't you head back soon?"

"Why?" You asked, looking forward now.

"It's your anniversary." She smacked the back of your head.

"Ugh, Ava this again?"

"Yes this again! Go home with your husband, celebrate your eight years together!" She shoved you forward and you scoffed.

"Alright, I'll go find him and force him to spend time with me." You chuckled, facing them. "Speaking of which..." You looked over your shoulder, scanning the field and barns and you couldn't spot Levi anywhere. "Have you seen him?" You looked back at them and they were both shaking their heads.

"Maybe he's inside talking to his squad, or with Leo." Ekho said and you nodded.

"Alright, well see you guys tomorrow." You waved as you walked away from them.

"I want details tomorrow!" Ava screeched and you turned to her shrugging while laughing as you continued to walk away. "I WANT DETAILS!" She yelled and you laughed as Ekho covered her mouth, shushing her.

There was still no sight of Levi in the field so you went into the barn where his squad was.

"Captain (Y/n)!" Eren waved and you waved back.

"Hey Eren, how's your hardening experiments going?" You asked, while still looking around for Levi.

"Good, I guess, but I'm getting exhausted." He admitted.

"Well, keep up the good work, I know you can do it." You smiled and he nodded, giving you a soft smile back.

But his smile was different this time, it just seemed, sadder then his usual smile. "Have you guys seen your Captain anywhere?" You asked all of them.

"I saw him leave earlier." Sasha said, her mouth full with something.

"Sasha!" You all jumped at Historia storming in. "How many times have I told you, this food isn't for you! It's for the orphans!" She grabbed the basket from the table.

You turned away from the squad getting scolded by the Queen, annoyed a bit that Levi left early... without telling you.

Well if he left, you might as well just go back into town.

When you were about to leave through the door, you felt a slight tug on your arm. You looked down to see Leo, smiling up at you. "Hi Leo." You smiled, kneeling and you were about to pull him in for a hug, but instead he pushed a paper in your face.

"Captain Levi told me to give you this." He smiled and you, peeled it from his hand.

"Thank you." You smiled and opened the paper to see what was inside.

'It's a moonless night.'

You chuckled a bit as you read it, making Leo curious as to what was inside.

"What does it mean?" Leo asked, crawling under your arms so he could be closer to you and you pulled him into you more.

"Tonight Leo, I want you to look up at the sky okay?" He leaned his head back on your shoulder.

History, Loyalty & Levi || Book 3: Love, Lies & LeviTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang