"Hai......watashiwa....Ai hinata.... yorushikuni" I bowed my head, he smiled at me--which almost blinded me! His smiles are too bright and princey!

"Yorushikuni, I'm lori the tenth son" lori? That's a pretty name, I smiled at him slightly before his face looked confuse for awhile before walking toward me and stopped right in front of me, his taller than me so He have to bend down a little to meet my eye.

"Your name means love, right?" I nodded my head, trying to cover my face which looked like a tomato by now! Why is his handsome face so close to my face!?

"It suits you"

After my encounter with lori, I went downstairs after hearing something from the kitchen, when I was walking down the stairs I saw "ukyo-san, ohayou...." I greeted him, walk toward the kitchen counter to see what he is making.

He smiled at me "Ai, Ohayou to you too...I noticed that you went to bed earlier yesterday night, are you alright?" He asked, I nodded and smiled a little, removing my hood and letting my hair flow down "thank you for asking, I'm fine, are you making breakfast? Can I help?" I asked, he ponder over it before
" I'm all done cooking but can you please set up the plates on the table?" I nodded, that's easy.

"Ara, ukyo-san, Ai, ohayou" I saw nee-chan walking toward us fully dressed in her uniform, I smiled at her
"Ohayou, nee-chan" I said.

Not long after the others also started to come down, greeting us a good morning.

"Well look what we have here, Our little imoutos are wearing an apron, aren't you such a perfect wife" tsubaki-san teased although I don't understand what he just said, wife?

Later on yuuske-kun, nee-chan and I went to school together I couldn't help but notice that his been awfully quiet, his heartbeat are beating rapidly but not out of nervousness.... it's more like an... unpleasantness? Did we upset him in any kind of way?

Come to think of it yesterday he announced that he won't take us as his sisters......what does he mean by that?

He avoided any possible eye contact with us and zipped him mouth, It made me more confused of his action.

Another hellish day at school.....

I'll be lucky if I don't get bullied by lunch.


During lunch time I tried to avoid every bully I recognized and just stayed in my class while studying.

"Ai...." A small voice called out, her head popping out of my bag as she meowed at me "mira? How did you get in there?" I asked, I thought she was sleeping in my room "meanie, I jump into your bag and continued my sleep~pu, wherever Ai go is where I go too~meow" she sweetly said, I smiled and patted her head, I think this day might actually turn out great...


No bullies! Yay!

I have to thank yuuske-kun for defending me the other day and I think that told my bullies off too..

Yuuske-kun said he had a part-time job so me and nee-chan went on home before him, We arrived home before we knew it,
And it looks like everyone else is out too, We went to down to the living room where we saw someone sleeping on the couch,

It's another male, light brown hair and his arm covering his eyes so I couldn't see him properly but why does it feels like I saw him somewhere....

I hear nee-chan mumbling something but I didn't quite heard it from where I stand.

Suddenly the boy stirred from his sleep as he lifted his arms from his eyes and looked at us lazingly before saying.

"Who are you two? Are you someone's women? Do you think you can get away from this after pulling this stunt?" He arrogantly said and scoffed, I was frightened by his behavior that I moved back away from him while stuttering and trembling.

"Ehhh....etto?" Until I couldn't take it anymore and ran behind nee-chan for.... safety?

The male stood up with both his hands in his pocket, I looked over nee-chan's shoulder like a scared little kitten,
what a great first impression Ai, I sarcastically said to myself

"Please don't misunderstood, fuuto-kun, we're your new sisters" Emanee-chan said, fuuto? Do you mean the famous idol Asakura fuuto? That's him!! Great now I really 'did' make a great first impression!

"Oh so your that man's daughters?" That man? Does he mean papa? Even though his not his biological father he still need to address him formally but seeing how arrogant he is that wasn't quite a shock.

"I'm Ema and this is Ai, nice to meet you" but he only scoffed once again, he looks like my age or so but I'm sure his a few months older than me.

"You look like an idiot" fuuto-kun bluntly said to nee-chan which made my mouth gasp in shock, he said that right infront of her face? But knowing my nee-chan I'm sure she'll just "um.....ehh" yup, speechless.

"You didn't deny it so it means you really are an idiot, I'll call you bakanee-chan from now on" bakanee-chan? God how I hope to be invisible right now!--

" And you..." Too late, I thought he forgot about me but it turns out he didn't, I stayed hidden behind nee-chan while looking at him over her shoulder.

"Why the hell are you hiding? She's not a wall or a shield you know, You're easily frightened too like a little kitten.... that's what I'll call you, kitten" kitten? Really? Out of everything you choose kitten?....well at least it's not witch or monster.

I didn't said anything and just continues staring at him, he eventually started to leave but didn't forget to say "bye bakanee-chan and little kitten" how I wish that he didn't said that but on the plus side his gone now.

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