Chapter 22: A Heart to Heart

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"If Ava says she didn't tell Draco, she didn't. You guys are her friends for merlin's sake, you should know better than to question her word. Especially when there were more than enough strangers in that bar who had a higher chance of telling Umbridge than Ava. In fact," Sam went on with a sarcastic chuckle that told me she was far from done.

"The fact that you three are going after Ava just because she has bad tastes in guys when the likes of that piss pot Hufflepuff chewing out Harry at the meeting is not under question, or that ridiculous redhead friend of Cho Chang's who looked ready to out the meeting even then or better yet if we do want to invade this friend group further, Ginny's boyfriend Michael who seemed pretty chum last I recalled on calling Harry out is frankly insane."

Ginny reddened at the mention of Micheal and Ella looked close to tears. Only Hermione remained composed though her eyes gave away that she was hurt by Sam's words.

"I didn't mean it like that Sam. Honest, I was just pointing out the fact-"

"That since Ava is dating a guy who has every reason to tattle on this group you immediately sought her as your scape goat. Got it," Sam snapped in a nasty tone making me immediately pull her sleeve to cool off.

"It's okay Sam. I appreciate what you mean, but Hermione," I said turning on her," I mean it when I say I didn't tell Draco. As for him tracking us on our way to the meeting, there's no way he would have been able to hear what was going on unless he was in the room. That bar door was closed shut and the place was more than dim enough for me to think all those windows covered in dust had never been opened."

Hermione thought this through and then nodded, seeing the logic.

"If anyone was to have heard anything, it would have been the conversations people said leaving the bar."

"Which also would not have been Ava nor I given that we were walking back worrying about my little sister who thanks to your brothers by the way," Sam said turning on Ginny, "managed to sneak into a secret passageway and almost make it into the meeting had it not been for McGonagall taking her back to the school."

Ginny had been there to see it happen too but Sam didn't have the chance to elaborate further as Ella stood up looking upset. Her eyes were red but any possible waterworks had been masterfully hidden.

"You don't have to be so mean about this, Sam. You're making us out to be heartless-"

"And to put blame on Michael like that is a far cry to the likes of Draco Malfoy," Ginny added with malice that Hermione looked to with warning.

"Ginny, it's fine-"

"No it's not," Ginny reacted quickly. "Michael may be somewhat jealous of Harry for whatever reason but he's not Malfoy. Putting the two in the same category is wrong."

"Are we here to argue about Draco or my hand in Umbridge finding out?" I asked, sensing a shift in the conversation. To my surprise, all three had different answers.

"The meeting," Hermione said.

"Both," Ginny admitted.

"Malfoy," Ella said last causing a silence to fall on the group. Finally, Sam broke the silence but with a steadier tone, lacking her agitation.

"Look, I'm not saying Ava has a great taste in guys because I mean, look at her dating history. Fuck boys and players as far as the eye can see-"

"How is this helping?" I muttered darkly but Sam waved me off and returned to face the trio.

"But that's just it. How old are we all? Is it normal for everyone our age to date good guys exclusively? Someone's got to date the rubbish ones every once and a while. Think of it as a disservice if you will."

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